Separate Lives (Part 4)

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School was like every other day. Nothing interesting ever happens, except when people shoot me a look. Some were out of curiosity, others were out of disgust. Like jeez guys, get over it. Fucking losers.

The last bell rang throughout the school and the halls were flooded with students in no time. Some teachers would stand outside their classrooms to watch over the moving students. Others would do whatever work they need to get done at their desk.

There would be a few students that would group up in the middle of the hallway, blocking everyone else who's trying to go home. Ultimately creating a roadblock for no reason. Everyone else hates those people and wish something bad would happen to them. Which is weird since they're only talking. No need to be dramatic.

The whole school was built on top of a giant hill with a weird shape; because of this, the school had a "ground level" and "sub-ground level". The gyms would be below ground while the regular classes were above them. Pretty genius idea. Since most of the physical activities were done under ground, the classes above wouldn't be disturbed.

I made my way down the hall and entered the sub-ground area. Taking a couple turns in order to get to the gym but that's alright.

I turned the corner and found the boys locker room. For some reason, the boys locker room was outside the gym and around the corner. Not to mention you would have to walk a little bit to get there, I never understood that.

I pulled my backpack off and placed it down against the wall, I then slide down in order to sit next to it.

Detention starts 30 minutes after the school day was finished. This was for the students to say goodbyes to their friends and make their way to the detention hall. This also helps the teachers and make sure to get everything ready.

I pulled out my phone and plug my earbuds in. I push them into my ears and pressed "Play" on one of the albums.

Doja Cat made a scene earlier this year with her debut album "Amala". I been trying to listen to the album but I've been so busy with school and everything else. I guess now is a good time to listen to it while I wait for Hendrix.

The album is honestly really good, in my opinion of course. With songs like 'Wine Pon You' and 'Candy' being my top 5 Doja Cat songs so far. It's a blend of R&B with a splash of rap in some of the tracks, a nice blend of two or three genres. Sure there's a few duds in the project, some of them lackluster, but I think it's a good listen.

Time started to slip by me as I realized Hendrix is still not here. A few students pass by but none of them are the person I'm waiting for.

I pulled out my phone to check the time.


Detention should already be starting by now. I don't know how I didn't noticed. I've been so busy with my music that I didn't bother to check the time. Worst part is that I already missed one day of detention, I can't miss two in a row.

Maybe Hendrix had a lapse of courage and walked to detention by himself. I don't have his number so he wouldn't have the power to tell me.

Even then, something tells me that's not it. Something's wrong. Something had to happen to him. Did he get jumped? Did his family pick him up? What the hell happened?

I'm probably an idiot. Hendrix could be inside the locker room, waiting for me inside instead of at the door. But why wouldn't he come out to check for me?

I got up and walked over to the door of the locker room. I left my backpack behind as I creaked open the door. The sounds from the door whined and echoed throughout the locker room. It was complete darkness inside. The only light was from the hallway I was standing in, beaming over a portion of the room.

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