Little Dark Age

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Daisy woke up to a fresh morning and sat up in bed, wrapping the duvet around herself, as Molly walked in. "Good morning, Daisy," Molly greeted her with a smile. Daisy let out a tired yawn and stretched her arms above her head. "Did you have a good sleep?" Molly asked. Daisy replied with a nod, but then added, "Can I show you something, please? But don't be upset." She looked down at the bed, and Molly sat down next to her.

As Daisy shifted to make room for Molly, a sudden jolt of pain surged through her stomach, causing her to curl up in discomfort. She lay back down on the bed and buried her face in the duvet. Molly ran her hands through Daisy's hair and asked if she needed anything. Daisy shook her head, but the pain persisted. "I'll be okay, Molly," she assured her, before requesting some dark chocolate from the fridge. Molly complied and offered to bring some for her. Daisy got back under the covers, and Molly's Yorkshire terrier, Pebbles, joined them on the bed, hopping up with Molly's assistance.

Ten minutes had passed, and Daisy was sitting on the bed, with Pebbles curled up in her lap. The little dog was licking Daisy's nose playfully, making her smile.

Molly came back upstairs, holding a cup of tea and the dark chocolate for Daisy. "Here you go, love," she said, offering the cup to Daisy. "Taste it and let me know if it's to your liking." Daisy sipped the tea and felt the oat milk on her tongue, "It's perfect, thanks, Molly," she replied, smiling.

Molly then asked Daisy what she had wanted to show her earlier. Daisy picked up her phone and showed her Harry's recent Instagram story. The caption read, 'first day with the London Ambulance Service without the ex-wife getting in the way.'

Daisy knew exactly what it meant. She looked down at the bed, her eyes filling with tears. She moved to lay down, feeling the weight of the situation hit her hard. Harry had completely moved on from their relationship.

Molly noticed that Daisy needed some privacy, so she picked up Pebbles and left the room, closing the door behind her. Daisy was left alone, and the tears flowed freely from her eyes. She buried her face in the white blanket and let out a sob, feeling the sadness engulf her.

As she lay there, she reached over to her backpack and unzipped it. Inside was Harry's dark green hoodie that she had taken from the house a few days earlier. She picked it up, feeling his scent on it once again. The memories of their happy times together came flooding back, making her cry harder.

In a moment of anger and frustration, Daisy threw the hoodie against the wall, letting out a loud cry. She felt lost and heartbroken, not knowing how to move on from the pain of their breakup.

Hours had passed, and it was now around 6 pm. Daisy had managed to calm down from her outburst earlier, and she was now sitting on the bed painting her nails a soft baby pink colour. It was a calming activity that helped her relax.

As she was lost in thought, Molly walked into the room, letting her know that dinner was ready. Daisy looked up from her nails, but she didn't feel hungry. "Thanks, Molly, but I don't think I can eat right now. Maybe later," Daisy said, still feeling a bit down. Molly could sense that Daisy was still struggling with her emotions and didn't want to push her too hard. "Okay, dear. Let me know if you need anything," she replied, patting Daisy's shoulder reassuringly before leaving the room.

Daisy continued painting her nails, hoping that the soft colour would bring her a sense of comfort. She knew that moving on from Harry wouldn't be easy, but she was determined to take it one step at a time.

The evening had gone by in a blur, and before Daisy knew it, it was already around 11 pm. She had spent most of the time lying on her bed, lost in thought. She was just getting herself ready for bed when there was a knock at the door. "Come in," she said, assuming it was Molly.

If Only He Knew...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora