060 | living in wonderland

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"alright, I got everything ready to go once they're up," Jack softly announced as he sat on the edge of their bed beside where Adalyn still was laying there, cuddled up with a pillow while the babies were taking their first naps of the day in their bassinets next to the bed. "we just need to get you up too."

She shook her head, burying it more into the pillow.

"we gotta go to your appointment today, gorgeous," he reminded her. "and you can't use anything as an excuse.. me and the babies are ready to go, we're all packed for tour tomorrow.. there's no reason for us to be at home today."

"there's no point," she finally muttered.

"no point in what?" he furrowed, continuing to softly speak so he wouldn't wake up the little ones. "going to the doctors?"


"why? we've been over this, even if you want to keep the baby we still gotta go.."

"there's no baby.." she mumbled.

He stared at her for a couple seconds as he processed what she had just said before without a word, getting up, going over to the other side where there was more room and getting into the bed, wrapping his arms around his girlfriend as she lifted her head up for him to do so, burying her head into his elbow.

"I'm sorry gorgeous.." he whispered, placing a couple kisses on her bare shoulder as he felt a tear drop onto him.

They laid there in silence just soaking in the comfort of one another while their babies were quiet. Adalyn's eyes filling with tears now that she's admitted it out loud and Jack continued to softly kiss her skin a few more times as he realised how much it was hurting her.

"are you okay?" he spoke up again as one of the babies started cooing.

"i'll be fine," she sniffled.

"we have two cute really bubbas already.."

"I know.."

"maybe we should let them grow up a bit and then we can try for another if we still want one," he more so suggested. "what do you say?"


"You wanna give bubba a cuddle?" he switched the subject, lifting his head up and looking over at Skyler as she stretched her arms around. "I'll get her bottle ready?"


He placed one more kiss on her then getting out of bed, wandering over to her side and grabbing Skyler out of her bassinet, playfully mocking her facial expressions and following with a small chuckle.

"you're an idiot," Adaly softly shook her head at him as she carefully sat up, quickly pulling her arms back from reaching for their daughter. "I need to go to the bathroom first.."

"That's okay," he nodded. "I got the baby."

"thank you.."

"I love you," he quickly peck her lips.

"I love you.."

As she wandered her way to the bathroom, Jack laid the little girl back down in her bassinet, grabbing out the two baby bottle he sat in the mini fridge earlier and mixing up one for each of the babies.

WONDERLAND; jra ✓Where stories live. Discover now