Ch.6 More Impossibilities

Start from the beginning

I could hear people scream when they saw him, but I couldn't worry about that right now. I had to dodge the pooch.

I didn't stop pushing forward on my board when I was coming up on the stop light. I needed to get away from him!

I used my powers to create a ice ramp with my mind. I lined up with it, pushing harder with my leg. Just as a police officer tried to grab me from riding into on coming traffic, my board made contact with the ramp.

I flew off of the ramp, making me fly through the air. I looked under my board and saw cars under me.

I was jumping traffic.

I landed on the sidewalk on the other side of the street and kept moving.

I had to because Cujo wasn't far behind.

@@Danny POV@@

I was flying home when I noticed Kristin riding a skateboard at a fast speed toward moving traffic.

All of a sudden, I saw an ice ramp in front of her, a police officer tried to stop her, but she ducked out of his way. She rolled up the ramp, and flew over the moving cars.

I now noticed why she was moving so fast. Cujo, in monster dog form, was chasing her.

Cujo also leaped over the traffic, trying to keep up with the girl on the white and black skateboard with green wheels.

She jumped her skateboard, hitting the rails, down the steps of a museum. People watched her slide down the rails with a ghost dog after her.

People were taking pictures, and a news crew was following the scene in a helicopter.

I flew down in front of Cujo and told him to heel, but he didn't stop. He just ran past me, and kept going after Kristin.

Why didn't he listen? He always listens to me!

Kristin used a curb to jump a step, making the bottom flash at me. It was a symbol of a KF on it.

Did KF stand for Kristin Fright?

Suddenly, Kristin skidded to a stop, and turned to face Cujo. Cujo just kept running at her even when she did stop.

She held her hand out and yelled.


Cujo sat down mid run, and his butt skidded across the concrete. He stopped right in front of Kristin, turning to puppy form, and leaped on her.

She stumbled, but didn't fall backwards, catching the puppy in her hands, she held him to her chest, and whispered something into the puppy's ear.

Cujo lifted his head and looked around. He saw the people, reporters, and the damage he did.

He looked at Kristin with his puppy dog eyes, and whined. Kristin laughed, patting his head.

I floated to the ground, and walked up behind Kristin. I could hear people gasping. She seemed to hear them to and turned around to face me.

She was shorter than me, and looked up at me. She was frowning, and handed me Cujo.

"He warned me. All of your allies have wanted to team up with the human world to defeat Pariah again, once and for all." She told me.

"You can understand him?" I asked. She smiled.

"Having a dead sister, and being the only one that knows besides you, Tucker, and Sam, I've learned other languages. The ones I needed to learn for emergencies, like this one." She whispered, making sure anyone else didn't hear it.

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