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Hey nerds!!!

Some of you may have read this fic ages ago when I first published it. It followed my OC Aria Bridges and her journey with the boys to find John.

I wrote that when I was about 15 I think?

Anyway, I've decided to completely redo it. It's going to be the same book and all that with probably the same plot, but I'm going to be changing up my character and back story. I'm hoping it makes sense but if thing get a little confusing please point it out to me so I can fix it.

My writing has changed a lot since my brain birthed this fic five or six years ago and I still love the idea of it. I just cringe at my 9th grade writing more than I do my school picture. I'm hopefully going to make it less dialogue-focused and more scene descriptive, and I'm planning on breaking the chapters down into much more manageable sections.

My main goal is to cringe less when I read over it tbh.

The book is still gonna be long as fuck (I'm currently writing for Home and I'm already at 8 and 1/2 friggen hours) but I need to make it more manageable for myself so I cry over it less lmao.

Basically what I'm saying is this story is gonna be the whole "right idea but the wrong bitch" compared to the last one.

I also know that my first person writing is garbage so you don't have to roast me for that, I just didn't want to rewrite an entire flipfloppin chapter. You don't have to be nice about it and pretend it's fantabulous, I'm just making sure ur all away that I've done all the roasting for me.

There's a solid chance that I'll be fixing chapters after they've been published because I'm a bit of a dumbass and remember things a good four days after I need them. If it's important to the plot I'll do my best and tell you guys but I'm also a bit of a dumbass so don't yell at me when I forget.

As before, the updates will be slow.

I'm am someone with severe anxiety and I'm currently getting my meds adjusted so I don't know how frequently I'll work this. I just promise I'll do my best.

Hopefully this 2.0 version is enjoyable :)


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