A Sign of Life

Começar do início

Ellie raises a brow in confusion. Why did the Jessica have a dog whistle?

"Oh! What are you doing here, Ellie? I thought it was your day off?" Jessica plasters on a sickeningly fake smile, avoiding the question entirely.

"Uh-huh." Ellie purses her lips. "I'm visiting my father, like I do on most of my days off." Ellie glares. She did not trust this lady at all.

"Father? But he's a Hale?" She sounds confused, which causes Ellie to snort.

"Yeah, and? The state made me his guardian when he was considered abandoned by his last familial guardian. I had my father work his magic and get me custody of Peter. I am his medical proxy. I make all of his medical choices for him until he is of sound mind and body to do so himself." Ellie ground out as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Now could you skedaddle? You aren't allowed near him anymore." She glared at the obviously fake redhead before her.

Jessica drops her sweet act and with a glare, stomps out of the room and out of her sight.

Ellie can only shake her head. She maks her way around to the front of Peter's chair. She knelt down in front of him and grasped his hand fondly. "Good morning, Peter. Sorry I couldn't save you from her sooner. She gives me the creeps."

She smiled as his blue eyes shift from the scene outside his window to meet hers.

"There you are." She grins and his head tilted ever so slightly as he acknowledged her. "Your scars are beginning to heal." She giggles. "I'm glad."

"Mary and I will try our absolute best to keep the creeper away. Otherwise, I'll have Dad get us a restraining order on her ass." She reached up and combed his brown locks back and out of his eyes.

"Hmm. I'll have to cut your hair soon. You like it better short, yeah?" She asked, just to be sure. Where that knowledge came from she didn't know. She just knew things. Like the fact that he wasn't completely human.

Her smile widens as Peter blinks once.

"Right. Well, I have some news. Not all of it is good, I'm afraid." She frowned sadly before continuing.

"Bad news first. Derek is in town." She shushes him softly, trying her best to comfort him as he makes a weak noise in the back of his throat, eyes widening.

"I know, I know. He went to the cops looking for Laura. Apparently her last known location was here before she stopped answering his calls." She bit her lip. He looked absolutely devastated.

Though his face didn't give away his feelings, his eyes sure did. She had gotten really good at reading the expressions his eyes gave her.

"I... I don't think he knows you are even alive. I truly believe Laura didn't tell him."

His hand twitched and she clasped it between both of hers. His eyes softened slightly and one word rang through her head and seeped into her very soul.


She leaned forward to press a kiss to his cheek before rubbing hers gently against his. She didn't know exactly why she did it, but it was like an instinct... Something to help sooth him. Something that felt so familiar, yet she had no clue as to why.

As she pulled back, his eyes flashed that glowing red she had been seeing more and more recently. It used to be electric blue only a week ago.

The sudden change was concerning, but it didn't scare her. For some reason, it made her feel sad. As if she knew why his eyes were now red, but couldn't reach the answer.

"That's right, Peter. I won't leave you. I'm not sure exactly what it is you are, but I'm not scared. We're Pack, you and I. I won't be scared away so easily. Neither Stiles, Dad or myself will ever abandon you. You're family now. You're stuck with us, big guy." She whispered, just in case anyone was listening in on them.

"But that's not all. Dad thinks the body they found might be Laura. Though, they can't identify her or know for sure without the top half of her body." Ellie smiled sadly as Peter looked off to the side and out the window.

"Want the good news now?" She asked just as softly. She waits patiently for Peter to get his thoughts together. When he looks back at her, she gently strokes the back of his hand, hoping to raise his mood.

"The construction on the new and improved Hale-Stilinski house is nearly complete. Bigger and better and far away from the old Hale place. It'll be move-in-ready by the end of the month. Then, you, me, Dad and Stiles can move in there together. And there's plenty of woods surrounding it for you to enjoy. Our Pack will be happy and warm."

She stifled her laughs as his eyes basically sparkled at the thought of getting out of this place. She gazes to his right side and bites her lip. She hopes they were able to get him out before the burn scars heal completely. It'd be harder to hide if any of the nurses noticed his accelerated healing.

She presses a kiss to his cheek once more and stands up to sit on his bed and pulls a book out of her backpack.

"So, this one is called Hatchet. It was one of Mum's favorites. I think you'll enjoy it too." She opens the book and begins reading, smiling as she combs her fingers gently though Peter's hair, nails scraping softly at his scalp. 

Impossible ➡️ Derek Hale | 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora