Give me back my sword

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Seth gaped as the girl he had sat with on the first day of school, who  now stood next to Ronodin. Had she always been with him? Was she a spy? She had seemed like a normal teenage pick me girl.

The day before they had camped outside the crevice and bracken had joined them. He had came straight from locking up the plague demon that had gotten loose in Spain and started a plague.

They had found Ronodin easy enough, in fact, it seemed like he wanted to be found. He seemed strangely confidant for a lone unicorn.

Seth could sence the undead all around. He gripped Vasilis in one hand and the unicorn horn in the other. Ronodins horn wanted to to be fair from there.

All had seemed like it was going well untill that stupid girl came out from a hidden corner and made that forcefield.

Seth and said some snarky comment than lunged forwards with Vasilis but it bounced harmlessly off the surface. Kendra had screamed for everyone to close there eyes and he did so. He did not want to end up like Vanessa.

The room had filled with light for much longer than Kendra normally allowed until it faded back to the dimness of the cave.

When Seth opened his eyes Kendra was passed out on the floor and Bracken had rushed to her side. So it was just him and Eve than. Against Ronodin and (y/n)

"So your just gonna hide behind a shield like a coward!" Eve called. Seth had never been so proud of anyone before.

Ronodin clicked his toung and said something to the girl next to him.

Before sent realized what was happening, the girl pointed at him and Eve and suddenly everything went black. Seth was still conscious but he couldn't see anything. He was dizzy and light headed and felt a rush before he smacked his head on the ground.

Seth cursed. Darkness had always been his friend, but not this darkness. Seth tried to draw Vasilis but found the sword was no longer at his side.

"Hey!" He called. "Give me back my sword!"

"Never." Ronodin sneared. "You thought you won with the dragon war but you have no idea what's coming!"

Seth paused his mind racing. What could possibly be worse than the dragons. It must be nothing, Ronodin was just trying to get into his head. Right?

Seth laughed out loud hoping it convinced Ronodin.

"You are so desperate that you decide to tell meaningless lies to try and get into my head?? Remove this darkness at once, or I will."

To Seth's disappointment, Ronodin laughed as well.

"Kill him. " Ronodin ordered to the girl he was with.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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