New school

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Seth anxiously sat in the back of his English class. He wasn't sure how to be a normal kid anymore. He felt.... Inhuman. Still he was ready to mess around with the guys in his class until the girl next to him started talking.

Seth tried to awnser her questions without divulging too much, but it was hard when she kept the questions coming. She was attractive for a human but nothing could compare to the fair folk and nymphs and fairys he had seen.

"Where are you from?" (Y/n) asked again.

"Connecticut." Seth said. Technically fableheavan was in Connecticut . He wasn't born there but he had grown attached to it enough to consider it home.

The girl laughed and went on talking with her friend. Seth's parents had wanted him to start a normal life now that all the chaos was over. He wished he could have gone to school in Connecticut or with the fair folk, but his dad got a new job in verginia so that's where they had to go.

Eve walked through the door as the bell rang. Seth looked at her in shock. What was she doing there?
Eve locked eyes with him and came to sit next to him.

"Who's this?" ( Y/n) asked.

"This is Eve." Seth said. He turned to look at Eve.

"What's up?" He asked in the fair folk language.

"My father is having a feast and I wanted to know if you'd come? I don't want to be the only young person there and since your basically a dragon slayer your definitely invited."

"Yeah I wanna come. But how did you get hear, wymroost isnt Evan in the United States.

"I may have had help from Andromidus. But if we fly back to your house he can teleport us there. And you can stay for a while and I bet you could go to school with me! I know typically the schools only let in Fairfolk but surely they'd make an exception for you."

"I don't want to be hear anyway." Seth said. "Much too boring"

"On the count of three let's run."

"K but I'll have to use the bathroom excuse to tet out."

"What ever."


Seth jumped up and called "I have to use the bathroom!"

Eve followed as Seth sprinted out of the classroom. He has not expected to cause so much chaos as people started using and chasing after them.

Seth dashed for the door Eve at his side. Everyone was pretty far behind except for the one girl that had started talking to him at the start of class. (Y/n) was her name? He couldn't remember.

Seth shoved the door open and Evan and him ran outside. Flag poles lined the brown brick building.

Seth unleashed his wings letting there olstenum color reflect the sun.

"Where did you get that and what's going on!" (Y/n) shouted as Seth scooped eve into his arms. It was the fastest way to fly..what did (y/n) see ofbl his wings?

Seth took a running start and launched into the sky flying towards his house.

"Omg you are strong." Eva called over the wind.

"I promise I won't drop you!" Seth called back as he lunged into a dive towards his yard.

They landed on the grass and Seth put Eve down gently. He felt the blood rush to his face as eve thanked him.

His house was small with yellow bricks and a nice garden. It seemed full compared to the house at fableheavn. Everything seemed dull since leaving. 

"We don't have a lot of time." Seth said as sirense sounded in the distance.

The air crackled in front of them and Andromidus appeared.

"Why do you care so much about me going to this feast?" Seth asked as Andromidus opened a portal.

"There's an important matter to discuss and your assistance may be required." He said.

"I haven't heard anything about this." Eve said.

"Let's go." Seth pulled Eve through the portal and they came out in a grand dining hall in the Fairfolk of Wymroost castle.

The room was filled with magical creatures of all kinds.  Eve dragged Seth over to a table on the far side of the room filled with little kids.

"Sorry." Eve said. "we're on babysitting duty."

"Tell us a story!" A little bit called pulling on seths wings. He retracted them.

"What was your first adventure!" Another kid called.

"Okay I'll tell you a story." Seth said sitting down next to Eve

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