Prison Breach

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You gaped in shock as you followed the crowd back to class. Where had he pulled that jet pack from? What on earth did Seth think he was doing?
You walked next to Celine and sat down in your seat.

"Did you see what happened?" Celine asked. "I was stuck behind to many slugs.

"I know the people hear run too slow. And walk too slow. But no Seth pulled a jet pack it of nowhere and flew off with eve!"

"He did what!"

"I don't Evan know how he hid the jetpack!"

"How is that Evan possible!"

"I don't know!"


Science was the last class of the day and you aimlessly filled out awnsers on the paper quiz. Would Seth come back tomorrow? Would they lock him up for having "weapons" in school? There was something so strange about him.

You turned in the paper as the bell rang and went to meet Celine at your locker. You never put anything in your locker you just used it as a meeting point.

"How was choir?" You asked Celine.

"It was good, we're learning a new song and I get to sing soprano!!!"

"That's great!" You said as you walked down the stairs to the front door. Most people left through thebgumm to get the busses but you and Celine were second load so your busses didn't get there till a little later.

"I still think it's so weird what Seth didm" Celine said.

" I know I've been thinking about it all day.' You said.

You pushed uoen the front door and you and Celine sat next to a flag pole to soak up some sun.

"I swear that building is too cold" you said.

"I know we should burn it down." Celine said.

"Yes." You agreed.

Ronodin approached you and Celine from the school entrance. He had an easy going stance and a crooked smile that matches his black outfit.

You looked into his dark eyes and felt immediate butterflies. Man he was hot. He was a senior and you were junior. A match made in heaven. You thought.

"Hey (y/n)" He said taking a seat next too you.

You had only been dating for a few week but you already knew he was your soalmate.

"Hi." You said.

He tenderly held your hand and looked into your eyes. Your stomach fluttered, you had yet to kiss but you had held hands and walked with hik around the halls laughing at peoples stupidity and polotics.

"Aww get a room." Celine said shoving you and him apart.

"Sorry girl." You said.

"I actually wanted to show you something." Ronodin said.

"Oh?" You asked.

"Both of you." He clarified glancing at Celine.

"Thank goodness." She muttered.

"Come." Ronodin helped you too your feet and Celine followed as he led you around the corner of the school.

Two large eagals wrestled in the parking lot.

"Do you see them?" He asked.

You looked at him dumfounded. "of course I see them! But what are eagals doing in verginia?"

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