The Dark Unicorn

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"Ronodin what is going on?" You asked when you and Celine met him outside the city.

"More than you could ever know." He said calmly.

"Ronodin what were you doing in a demon prison?" You asked as he helped you onto the griffens back.

"Yeah and what is Zyzzx?" Celine added struggling to clime onto the other one.

Ronodin climbed up in front of you on the griffen and brushed a strand of your hair out of your face.

"I'll tell you." He said. "But we have to get out of public view first."

You let it go, confused. Both griffens look to the air and you held onto Ronodin tightly as not to fall off. He was so solid and warm. Despite everything you were glad that he was your boyfriend.


The griffens landed on a mountain top and Ronodin helped you and Celine dismount. The griffens soared away and Ronodin gestured for you to follow him down a little trail.

The trail was narrow and you were separated from a cliff edge only by a few shrubs. You and Ronodin and Celine made your way down until he stopped you at a small crevice in the side of the mountain.

Ronodin slid throw hi the crack and you and Celine glanced at each other before following.
The crevice ran a few cornered before opening into a beautiful room with purple crystal walls, a waterfall in the corner trickling into a dream that crossed the room, and purple sconces lighting it up.

"Wow." You breathed.

"Glad you like it." Ronodin grinned.

"You still have some explaining to do" Celine reminded him.

"I suppose I do." He acknowledged.

"What is Zyzzx?" You asked.

"Zyzzx is a nearly impenetrable prison, that holds the most powerful of demons. It has only been opened once before, for in order to open it one must retrieve five magical artifacts that are well hidden and rigged with traps, they must kill five nearly immortal guardians, and there is only one day in a thousand years it can be opebed. And it wasn't opened all that long ago reallym" he said.

"They said you escaped from there." Celine said.

"I have worked with many beings over the years. " ronodin started. "And working with some, angers others. Seth, the boy you met today to a demon in Zyzzx, and I was foolesh enough to be captured. "

"Why would he do that?" Celine asked.

"Many know me as The Dark Unicorn. And many disagree with my way of living. Seth is one of them."

You could barely force out the question you asked next. "Are you the villain?"

Ronodin looked at you curiously. "depends on how you look at it."

"Why did you want us to spy at the meeting?" Celine wondered.

"I wanted to know if they had realized I had escaped."

"How did you escape?" You wondered. "If the prison is so impenetrable."

"One of the five magical artifacts is called the translocator. It is how I was captured in the first place. But I have freinds in high places and people owe me favors. "

"Are we just going to ignore the fact you said you were a unicorn?" Celine said.

"A unicorn in human shape." Ronodin confirmed.

"Can you your horse form?".You asked.

Ronodin looked at you sadly. "I can not become my true form right now, all three.if my horns have been purified and taken from me. I would need them back to transform."

"I'll help you get them back.". You said.

"I'm not so sure about this." Celine said.

"Doesn't matter." The dark unicorn concluded. "Your with me now and you will help me."

"Why did you come to us for help?" You wondered. "You said that you had many freinds in high places. You didn't have to introduce us to magic."

"That is true." Ronodin said. "But you two are not completely human, and your unique abilities could prove very useful. And I know you wouldn't rather live the boring mortal life."

You couldn't argue with that but... "What do you mean we arnt completely human?".you asked.

"You aren't. Celine though is just a mortal. But (y/n) , you have a very interesting back story." Ronodin said. "Have a seat I'll tell you all about it."

You weren't sure where to sit because there was no chairs but Celine plopped down on the stone floor so you followed her lead. Ronodin sat after both of you were seated.

"My aunt, the former fairy queen had only one son, and many daughters. That son is my pesky cousin Bracken, we used to fight together. But I was never meant to belong there.  I tried to help and only ended up getting my uncle captured by the demon king. "

"That's terrible." You said.

Ronodin continued, "I renounced the fairy kingdom that day. And that's where you  come into the story.
My aunt wanted a mortal hand maiden, so she found a child she thought would do and filled you with sorce magic. But lukely for you, I also took you and filled you with void magic, and now you are a very powerful being. And all you need to do is harness your magic."

Ronodin had a dreamy glint in his eye. "Wait you knew me when I was a baby?" You asked. "And what's the source and what's the void? What are you saying?"

"Wait how old are you really?" Celine added.

Ronodin sigh. "Im both older and younger than you in many ways. And yes, I when  you were a baby. "
Ronodin explained about the source and your brain felt like it was about to explode when he fineshed.

"So (y/n) has magic?" Celine asked appalled.

"In theory yes." Ronodin said. "Now she must access it."

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