"I am gonna see it!" Taeyung said, "no big deal" jimin said as Suga suddenly  stood up he left after muttering he had some work.

Jimin smirked, "why so anxious kitten" jimin thought.

Suga had came out to eat with older brother in a restaurant he was stressed so he decided to go out a little and spend some time out, "you are well?" His brother asked as Suga nodded his brother was the only one he could talk to without feeling the burden of world on his shoulder.

"You know you look thiner than before" his brothers said pulling his cheeks as Suga pouted. "I have gained wait hyung next time try something new" Suga said making him chuckle.

They both were talking while enjoying the warm food in cold weather, "hey it's snowing!" His borther said as Suga looked ohtside of those large glass windows noticing the snow falling.

"Beautiful..".Suga muttered no matter how many times he sees this he never changes he still feel that same excitement of first snow.

"You know the first person face that appears in your mind after looking at the snow is your destined soulmate" his borhter said smiling.

"That's nonse- Suga was about to say when Jimin's smirking face suddenly came to his mind.

"Hey isn't that Jimin?" His brother suddenly asked as Suga eyes widened he looked behind following his brother gaze to see Jimin taking off his mask for a moment drinking water then putting it back on he was with few more people..and that beautiful heroine.

They were siting next to each other she kept talking and smiling at Jimin.
"He got a cute girlfriend" suga's brother said as Suga teeth clenched.

"They are not dating" he said annoyed how does it even look like that?
"Really?" His brother asked surprised looking at them again.
"I think she likes him" he said.
"How do you know?" Suga asked.

"You can tell how a girl looks at that guy alone the way she chose to sit next to him, you can see her body posture is also leaning towards him her eyes are mostly connected to him on the table except anyone and the way she kept touching her earning and smiling all the time" his brothers stated as a matter of fact.

"I-is that so?" Suga said drinking the water, "they are filmimg a drama together" Suga said as his brother smiled.
"You guys have been so busy" his brother said as Suga nodded. "Why does  he have to be here out of everywhere?!" Suga cursed under breath.

There were no tissues on the table as the waiters surrounded Jimin's table Suga face was covered by mask when ever someone approached thier table, he only took it off to eat.

"I will get it" Suga said getting up as he walked towards the waiter he bumped into chae yeong the girl siting next to Jimin.

"M-my dress!!" She yelled loudly as Suga almost resisted the urge to cover his ears.
She glared at Suga with hate like she would kill him, "do you have any idea how expensive it is!" She yelled pointing at the stain.

"I am sorry but you bumped into me" Suga said to her as she galred at him
"If you can't pay don't make such excuses
Who allow you here?!" She yelled.

"You want me to pay? I will pay for you damn dress" Suga said annoyed by her rude behaviour she was very different then what he had imagined.

"You must pay" she said as Suga followed her to the table. "Your scanner" Suga said as she took out her phone.

"What's wrong?" The director asked as she made a pitiful face, "he ruined my dress and now insist to pay" she said smiling casually.

"You should let him pay, those dress also costs money that we all earn with hardwork" one of the crew member said as Jimin only looked outside the window not bothering.

"Chae yeong right?" Suga asked hearing his voice jimin's eyes widened he turn to look at him.

"Yeah the actress chae yeong" she said, Suga couldn't hold himself from rolling his eyes this time.

"Done" Suga said as she received the notification, "it's fine, but be careful while walking" she said to him annoyed.

"You are here alone?" Jimin asked Suga who was avoiding his gaze, "I came with brother" Suga said as the people on the table looked at tthem surprised.

"Y-you know each other?" Chae yeong asked, "Suga let me meet your brother it's been took long I last saw him" jimin said as he grabbed his coat.

When they left the table chae yeong gulped crusing herself..she is doomed..why? Why?! Was it him...now jimin will never ever like her..she had just ruined her image in front of Suga who will definitely tell Jimin about it.

There was a drop dead silence on the table, "h-he will come to shoot tomorrow right?" The director asked nervously.

"I hope he does, I heard Jimin fire more people in a month than companies do in a year...beside it's August D and Jimin both of them are not very easy to deal with and today we cross them both" one of them said nervously.

"Damn it!" Suga cursed as Jimin walked to thier table his brother smiled looking at them.

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