I get out of bed
I turn around

There she is

She is standing next to me
Still smiling
She has nice teeth though. Very white, very straight
Enough with all the compliments!

ME: Enough! You can't just do that. That's way too creepy, and...

She takes one step closer

ME: Way too close! WAY too close.

She stops and tilts her head to the side

ME: No! Still creepy. And still very close.

She stops smiling

ME: Not really helping.

Now she looks sad

I am not handling this situation well

I look at the clock: 7:45 am
I sigh

ME: Please, I am begging you, let me get ready for work. I can't afford to be late.... not again. At least tell me why you are here, Maybe we can work on that together... while I get ready?

Nope. Still quiet

This is becoming very frustrating
I hate one-sided conversations like this

I stop so I can think of a solution

I find none
My mind is blank
I give up

ME: I give up!

I sit on the bed and turn around

There she is
This time, sitting on the bed
Still looking at me

ME: Jesus! Ok, that was scary!

She smiles
Seriously? Back with the smile?

ME: Seriously?

Now I am pissed off

I take a pillow, put it on my face, and scream as loud as I can!
I am definitely not enjoying this situation!



She laughs again
What am I, a clown?

I think and wait for 2 minutes

There is actually one thing I haven't tried yet
Right now, it seems to be my best and last option

I remove the pillow from my face and throw it at her
I expect to be the one laughing this time
The pillow goes right through her

What was that?

ME: Did it just...

She laughs
That tiny laugh again!

I try to punch her but my arms also go through her
I sit back and look at her, speechless

Then it hits me
It hits me hard

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