Meeting the characters.....

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"Let's start with the story telling activity which you were assigned to write a week before and we shall start with......Jonathan..",said by Mrs. Vohra.
Jonathan, who completely forgot about writing it as always because of his lazy, lethargic attitude towards studies and all the important stuff of a usual human's life but first in the queue in the subdivision of jinks.
He stood up with pride, redressing his collar and pants; stood near the dais and without a single minute of thinking said in a loud and clear voice,"Once lived a king, he married a queen both lived happily ever after and here ends the story... "

Everybody started mocking at me.... Heheh...hahah..haha....
"Shut up everyone , and you Jonathan This is what you were told to write;
Go back to your seat.. Is there someone who has done the work",Mrs.Vohra asked in an agressive tone.
Yes mam.... a girl at the back in a sweet voice said by raising her tiny hand... I have written it mam.
"Who is she.....Ohh Tia, how can I forget that girl... ewww.. She's always there to make our lives a greater hell", exclaimed Johnathan.
Tia, a short heightened cute girl but the cuteness could turn into aggressive behavior because of her short tempered nature,had a great intelligence level along with a determined, aspiring, pioneering nature belonged to a well to do family but instead wanted to make a separate way for her.. Wanted a life full of name, fame but with honesty and hardwork with no senseless shortcuts, a typical old school girl with a different point of view towards the world, different from today's youth. Yet wanted a fairytale love story after having a successful carrier and equipping her parents with the best things in the world.
Yes Tia, please come ahead... ,Said Mrs. Vohra.
Tia walked down the stairs.. Came near the dais and narrated her story in a loud clear and expressful manner.
She finished and everyone started clapping.... "I knew already that Tia would have always done her work, Well done ,Tia....
Now here's a surprise for everyone... There will be a short story acting competition in groups.. And the list of group of students will be posted in the evening" Said by Mrs. Vohra.

Next day......
I am so sorry students I couldn't share the list of groups yesterday, while Mrs. Vohra was saying this Jonathan started murmuring in the behind with his friend...
"Mr. Johnathan, I think this is for you people only... Stand from your seat....don't sit with Andrew.. else you both won't let each other study... Look for a vacant seat for yourself and sit there" Said Mrs. Vohra
"But mam... There's no vacant seat", Jonathan said in an aggressive tone.
"Ohh.... Can't you see the first desk right in front of me.. Come sit in front of me and Tia is also sitting here.. Now you would have a great company to study and in case you need any help you can ask me or Tia",Mrs. Vohra sweetly said.
Jonathan came and sat on the desk.
"Now,let's distribute teams... Ok so let us do it according to the seating plan only.. A group of four means two desks would form a team... And mind it Jonathan... You would form a team with Tia, Ben, and Margret", said by Mrs. Jonathan
Jonathan said in a cute baby voice, no mam how can you do it... Please no...
"End of discussion... Let's start with the studies ,open your books everyone" Said Mrs. Jonathan.
Everybody started looking for books in their bags and when Jonathan took the book out of his bag... .Mrs. Vohra said, Oh wow, today Jonathan too has brought the book,this looks quite good.
Everybody started laughing... But in a low tone Tia said that she has forgotten her book at home.
So, Mrs. Vohra told her to share it with Jonathan.
Jonathan murmerred laughingly, "Looks like today intelligents have also forgotten books... Good going good going😏🤪"
Tia replied,"Looks like someone is on the top of the world by just bringing a book... Focus on story acting competition where everyone would be laughing at you😆"
Atleast I am worth a laughter but you are not even worth for that... said Jonathan
Ohh really..looks like a monkey is jumping and people are laughing 🐒.. Said Tia.
Okay everyone, stop talking now and  Let's start with the chapter...
After the whole chapter.....
Mrs Vohra said, "So, you would have a three days time prepare your skits and be ready to perform them. "

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