Bombs <3

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I hope that this is what u wanted 😭👍👍
"What about like a bomb?" Hazel suggested and then explained that it was easy and that she could make one

Thats so...

"Oh yeah, lets commit terrorism.." PJ responded sarcastically.

Later on during the night we were at Jeff's house. We all got out of the car to mess with his house and throw eggs or toilet paper at it.

I followed Hazel.

"AH!" Hazel screamed when she noticed me, I guess I accidentally scared her.

"Damn Y/N, I didnt notice you behind me.."



"Let me make the bomb with you.."

"Oh? yeah sure you can, come on!"

We snuck under Jeff's car and she started making the bomb and putting it up, I looked towards her

She noticed and looked back at me, we looked into each others eyes

"Its pretty hot how you are able to make bombs.."

"You think its hot..?

and we both slowly leaned in, our lips met and it was a small gentle kiss, we parted and looked into back into each others eyes.

"That was.. lovely.." She said


Hazel pressed a button while staring at me and the bomb started to go off

"FUCK FUCK FUCK!" Hazel yelled


We tried getting out from under the car as fast as possible, Hazel hit her head against the car.

We ran as fast as possible towards the van.

"ITS GONNA BLOW!" Hazel yelled out

"Oh yeah, it's gonna blow guys" PJ said sarcastically to the group.



His car burst into flames

We ran into the car

"SHIT THERES NO DOOR" some of the group yelled out on the wrong side.

Me and Hazel sat together in the van

"Hazel.. what we did, under the car, could we.. do it again sometime?"

"yeah.. I'd like that.."

Kinda short im sorry but thats all i could think of for this!!

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