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Halloween party, 1 hour before

I decided to dress up as a vampire, cape, fangs, black, really boring and classic I know but why not, I didn't have that much money for anything else. An hour or so later, I snuck out of my house and went to this Halloween party. The whole school was going to be there.

I finally arrived and went in, there we so many people dressed up, I grabbed some punch and they had some carrots so I ate a few of those and then watched people dance for a bit, they had a ton of Halloween songs playing

I yawned and stretched my arms out and I looked over, this person was staring at me, they had a cup of punch in their right hand and they had a ghostface outfit on.

We both stared at each other, was I going to be murdered?

shit, they started walking towards me.

"Hey.." They said

"Hi, how long were you staring at me for?" I chuckled

"oh! not that long! I'm sorry, I didnt mean to stare.. you're just very pretty.."

"thank you.. whoever you are.."

"Hazel, I'm Hazel! and you?"


"nice to meet you, do you wanna go somewhere private? It's loud here." "and do what? you gonna murder me?"

"what!? no, no, I'd never"

"okay then sure, I'll follow you, I dont know this house"

"I don't know it either but follow me" I followed her to this bedroom and she locked the door

"you're locking the door?"

"yeah so nobody just bugs us, you know?"

We both sat on the floor, against the wall, she took off her mask, she was beautiful.

"You're very pretty" I told her

"thank you...~" she said

and we both stared at each other and slowly leaned in, our lips touched and we kissed.

We parted for a second, Hazel then returned and kissed me a second time then she came for a third, she caressed my face with her hands and kept kissing me all over my lips.

I leaned over her and her hands went to my neck.

This time she went in for a longer kiss and bit my lip, I let out a gasp and a moan from the sudden bite and once my mouth was open, her tongue entered and explored all over my mouth. she pulled me closer to her, to get deeper in my mouth

we made out for the most of the party

IDK BRO give requests rn

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