"Don't you guys listen! Can't you just go a while without getting into a fight?" I was instantly answered by a chorus of 'No!'

"Enough! None of them will listen to us, Lady!" Jamou looked around. "Tsukasa! Where's Tsukasa?! He hasn't arrived yet?!"

At that moment I got up, I had promised to see Ryo now, we didn't have a defined destination, we were just going to walk and talk.

"I'll tell you that I'm not going to help bandage broken arms and legs."  I received some playful boos and I smiled at the teasing. "I have to go now, I'll see you later."

"Where are you going?" Kiyoshi asked curiously.

Before I could respond Fujio was quicker. "She's going to see her mysterious boyfriend." Fujio kept teasing me about this topic, as if he were in fifth grade, but I didn't care, it's his way of showing that he cares.

"He's not mysterious, he's just reserved." I said walking towards the exit, Nakagoshi raised his palm to me and I responded with a High Five. "Bye, guys!"

We are all so different, we have our closest friends and our own tastes.  But none of the boys ever treated me as different or disrespected me, they always offered to protect me, as if I were the whole Oya's little sister.  And in my own way I also protect them.

I thought Ryo would already be there when I arrived, in front of the lake where we usually stay, but he took fifteen minutes to arrive and didn't see my message

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I thought Ryo would already be there when I arrived, in front of the lake where we usually stay, but he took fifteen minutes to arrive and didn't see my message.

"Hi..."He said as soon as he arrived.  He looked a little tired.

Ryo told me he knew how to fight, I asked him how he learned and he told me a little about his story. But I never saw him hurt so I assumed he didn't get into fights often.

Until now.

He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, his breathing was labored, which made me look for any bruises on his face, but he didn't have a scratch.  I looked at his hands, they were bruised and covered in blood, which means the other guy couldn't have come out of this as well as him...or the other guys.

"What happened?" I said pointing to his hands.  On impulse he hid both hands behind his back, his expression wasn't the usual one, and for some reason, his friend, Amagai came to my mind. "Were you with Amagai?"

"Why you ask?" His tone sounded very defensive.

"I don't want you to get hurt." I said looking into his eyes, which usually spoke much more than him.

"I'm sorry for being late...I was sorting out some things...with Amagai." He whispered the last part.

I had never said that I didn't like his friend, but I think he somehow noticed.  Just like every time this name is mentioned , Ryo's expression changes.

I wanted to ask, about the fight.  Who started it, if it was for a reason, if it was a friendly fight...although I ruled out the last option.

"Okay, let's not talk about it...let's buy a bandage for your hand..."

Ryo said he didn't need it but I insisted, I bought some medicine to disinfect the wound and Ryo eased the pain when I put it in his hand.  I don't know if he was just distracted or didn't want me to think he was weak.

"Why do I only live with people who apparently love to fight?!" I said trying to lighten the mood.

"Do your friends fight too?"

"Yes, constantly." I feel like I've said this before,  Ryo has been asking a lot of questions about my friends lately.

When I finished disinfecting and applied the bandage, I kissed both of his hands and he smiled that beautiful smile that I hadn't seen yet today.  I looked ahead and we were finally sitting in front of the lake.

"Thank you..."Ryo said making my attention return to him.

"You don't need to say thank you."

"No, I need it." He sighed. "I don't think I deserve to be taken care of..."

"Ryo..."I scolded him."Stop saying things like that. You were just late, it was no big deal."

We stared into each other's eyes for a while and he looked like he wanted to say more, but he didn't.

"Okay..."Ryo pulled me closer and I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Do you want to eat something?" I asked after a while.

"Yes, but later."Ryo put his arm around my waist, I had already gotten used to it."Now I want to enjoy this, I want time to stop..."

Then we saw the sun set, I understand what he means.

But many moments like this will come, because I feel like everything is perfect now.

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