Part 10

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-Garmadaddy's POV-

I was pacing in Lloyds room, I don't know why, his snake was back in the tank and Spirit was asleep on Lloyds bed, I sighed, walking into his bathroom.
I just wanted to do something while he was gone, looking around his room had become the best choice.
I had a look around and noticed something, there were bloodstains around his sink... Everything else was clean.
And this blood... It wasn't his blood, his blood was more of a purple colour than red, an oni thing.
The blood was dried but not that old... A few days ago, probably two or three... The night before we left on that trip.
Lloyd mentioned something about waking up with blood on his hands and mouth.
Maybe I was to late... Maybe his oni was more powerful than we thought.
I pushed those thoughts away and sat on his bed, stroking Spirit's fur.

"Brother?" I looked up to see Wu standing at the door, a tired expression.

"Hello Wu..."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah... I guess. I just feel like this is my fault." I looked away, not meeting his eyes.

"Garmadon. You wouldn't have known he would have gone searching for the whispers like you said. Nobody could have stopped it if we knew. It's not your fault." He had a kind smile as he sat down next to me.

"I know but... I was there. I could have at least tried. I was stupid."

"Garmadon. I know your the more violent one of the two of us but keep talking like that and I will stab you." That caught me off guard, I laughed and we started arguing, sharing stories of the past as we looked like real brothers again, reckless an young.
After a while it became late and nobody was any closer to finding Lloyd.

"You should sleep. It's late." I nodded and agreed with Wu, I was exhausted.

"Yeah, you have to sleep to. No tea at 3am for you." I smiled as we started walking to our rooms.

"Never. I thought you knew me better than that brother." He smiled and stood at his door. "Just... Try to sleep. I know it will be hard but we I'll find him."

I nodded and just closed the door behind me, laying down on my bed as Wu's door closed aswell, for everyone.
It was a night with little sleep and nightmare's.

-Lloyds POV-
(time skip 3 days later since I can't be bothered.)

It had been only three days but it felt like years, every day one of these vials would go into my blood, the changes were becoming quite obvious, I was atleast a foot taller and my skin colour was slowly fading to gold, my horns, ears, tail, fangs, paws and wings were all bigger and my younger was more forked, like a snakes but the size of a cats, my eyes were purely like a dragons and I was highly hostile, attacking everyone that came into my cell, I was barely eating and had grown thinner than the day I was taken.
The food was barely edible anyways, rotting animals and scraps of meat were all they eat, there was no water at all so I was dehydrated.
I couldn't think straight as I was now just walking in circles, chains rattling as I moved, slowly going insane, I turned to the door as it opened, snarling as the omega and several Oni scientists came in.

"Oh cub... You looked so much better! You will soon be a true oni, that venom in the vils only have to go off two or three more times..." The omega grinned as the scientists started trying to grab me, trying to chain me and take me to the experimental room.
I snarled, fighting back as the omega watches with disappointment.
"Do I have to do everything myself?!" He yelled as he grabbed my neck, pinning me against the wall so the oni could get the chains on me.
I tried to fight back but I was to weak, I hadn't slept the whole time I was here so I doubt I'd stay sane for a few more days.

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