Chapter 52. Cookies.

Start from the beginning

And so I slowly did, hoping he wasn't lying about drugging me. The cookies reminded me of the chocolates he made for me that one time and put in my locker. He was sneaky and drugged it, it was in one of those heart containers.

I ate my cookies while waiting for the bloodbag to fill up. Kiriwo was staring at each drop filling the bag, kind of like a cat. Halfway through the bag of cookies I didn't feel like eating anymore however. Half a liter of my blood was already in the bag, and I felt nauseous. Kiriwo noticed.

"Do you want tea?" He asked, I shook my head. He didn't listen and grabbed the tea anyways from his bag. It came in one of those thermo flasks and a beaker, he then put the tea to my lips. "Drink." He demanded, and so I did.

I didn't like him forcing me to do anything, but he seemed to be in a good mood, so I let him. I don't want to ruin it, because if I do the needle might end up in my neck again.

I started sipping the tea, fighting the urge to throw it all up. It was good tea, don't get me wrong, but I didn't feel good. I didn't feel like eating or drinking anything and honestly I just wanted to go home.

Eventually the bloodbag was full and the tea was gone. I felt like absolute shit at the end of this, Kiriwo knew. "If you don't feel okay you can stay here for a while and we can chat.~" He said, smiling at me. I politely refused, he looked dissapointed.

I can't hate him, because he saved me twice. But I really still don't like him. He made Azz cry, when he took me and when I think back at him sounding so incredibly sad I still want to cry and apologize vigorously. I feel so bad for worrying him.

Eventually I stood up, Kiriwo sighed. "You really don't want to be near me, huh? I guess ill have to change that sometime soon.."

I almost laughed, but stopped myself. Theres nothing he can do to change it. Trust me on that. I thought, sighing. For some reason Kiriwo was acting much different than he would have, as if he was calm, or took his pills. Maybe both. I took a deep breath as I saw his hand coming towards me again. He swiftly pulled the needle out of my arm, his tongue swerving around the blood on the object. It disgusted me.

He then placed it on the table. He looked estatic again, incredibly happy. "You really are delicious.~" He said, licking his lips. "Next time you come here, how about you give me a little more?" He asked. I couldn't tell whenever he was serious or not, but that didn't matter much, I wasn't going to do it anyways. I won't agree to him, or his demands.

Kiriwo huffed. "This would be much more fun if you talked you know?" He said, grabbing some bandages from his bag. What he didn't understand is that I didn't talk for that exact reason.

Slowly he bandaged my arm, wrapping the white cloth around it. I looked at the floor when he did that, I noticed it was a bit dirty, probably dried up mud or something. I looked around. It was dimly lit around here, the tiles were a dark gray and were concrete-like, there were crumbs of the cookies I ate on the ground.

When Kiriwo finished bandaging me up I was still staring at the room around me. I hadn't noticed him stopping either, or walking up to me. I was in my own little world. He then put his hands on my shoulders from behind and I almost let out a shriek. I tried to look back, but his arms slid down to my middle, and clammed around it like a snake, making me unable to move.

Why was he hugging me..? Is he even hugging me? Wait what is he doing now?

He slowly went closer and closer with his head, and buried it into my neck, I could feel his hot breath on it. This wasn't at all what I wanted. It made me uncomfortable.

He surprisingly let go a few seconds later. He swiftly apologized. "Sorry, my dear Iruma..~ I just can't help myself around you sometimes.. How about I drug you next time..? We can have lots of fun..~" He said, smiling.

"No need for that!" I hastily said, getting off from my chair, I could feel my head spin. Lets not drug me, lets not do that, ever. Kiriwo looked at me, dissapointed. "Aww.. are you leaving already?" He asked, I looked at the clock, there were 30 minutes left untill lunch ended. "Y-yeah." I said, making some distance between us. "Or else border control might get suspicious." I said, using it as en excuse to go.

He nodded, believing me blindly. "Oh, okay then, see you next time Iruma~" He waved, I waved back before storming out the door.

Once I saw the outside world I heaved a big sigh. I hate him, I hate him so much, I thought he was going to hurt me, or stab me with the needle, if not pour the hot tea he had over me.

I sat down on the bench outside the door, just to take a breather. I was dizzy, but it was manageable, well, better than before. Eventually I looked up at the sky, it was sunny today, again. Summer will come to an end soon however.

I stretched before walking back to the insides of the school, I was exited I could finally have lunch with the two of them again! Azz and Clara! Exitedly I waggled to the cafeteria. I was pretty happy, today nothing bad happened.

When I arrived at the cafeteria I saw two depressed figures, sitting together on a bench at a familiar table, wich I thought was a bit odd. I quietly rushed over, embracing the both of them, they looked up with hopeful eyes. "Im back!" I said, smiling. The both of them hugged back, overjoyed.

"And you aren't sick again, right?" Clara asked just to make sure. I nodded. "But you look pale.." Azz commented. "Don't worry, I feel fine!" I said. The two of them made a place for me in the middle of them. Usually one of them sat opposite of me, but now they were both sitting next to me, I smiled to myself, extremely happy and glad to have the two of them here.

"Would you like me to get you anything, master?" Asmodeus asked. I shook my head. "I already ate. By the way, what lesson do we have next?" I asked.

"We have gym class!" Clara exitedly screamed. Azz immediately followed with anger. "Shut up you gremlin, he asked me!" He said, clearly anoyed. "Haha, well im sure Iruma-chie would rather have me answer it than ugly and boring you!"  She said, huffing.

"Guys, guys," I begged. "stop fighting please! Lets just do something else!" But ofcourse, they were already too deep into the fight.

"You psychotic grandma! Obviously he wants to hear from me! Not you, you arrogant-" Asmodeus got cut off by Clara.

"Iruma-chie!! Azz azz called me old!" Clara said, wiping a fake tear away. "Hes so mean!"

"Thats not at all what I said, is there something wrong with your ears?! I said youre a grandma!" Asmodeus yelled. "And what do you mean im mean?! You are!"

The both of them screaming made me giggle, then laugh. The two of them then slowly stopped fighting, curiously looking at me. "Is there something the matter, master Iruma?" Azz asked. "Why are you laughing?" Clara then also asked. I took a deep breath trying to stop laughing.

"Nothing, I just love today." I said, still laughing at them.

However what I didn't know is that today would be the day I would lose them all too soon.




Hey there, back with a new chapter!!! Guess how long it is? Almost 3000 words... Help. (2847 exactly)

I hope you enjoyed todays chapter!! I have nothing to say other then.. Next extra chapter at 15k! Now, have a good day, week, month and year!! Because you deserve it, and tell me about your day!! Im curious what you guys are up to!!

That said, Love you guys, stay safe and cya next time! (And if you need help or have a question, you can ask me!)

--13 September

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