Chpt. 1

35 2 1

*Nash meets Francine at Magcon*

Nash's pov:
My meet and greet had a long line. I was kinda tired even though I slept well, but I love my fans even if it ment me having to put up with my tiredness! I took a picture with a ginger haired girl. She was kinda squeamish but she finally kept cool.

I looked up to see who was next in line.I saw this tall girl on her phone, with brown curly hair, tanned skin with a black beanie, denim shorts, a white crop top and an oversized flannel. She put down her phone and smiled, coming up to me.

'Hi Nash, I'm Francine', she said with confidence. I was getting a bit nervous. 'Hey', I replied. 'May I take a few selfies with you?', she asked, with a smile. 'Sure', I said. Taking the pictures with her left me less tense and I chilled out a bit. I picked up the courage to ask her if I am following her on any social media. She smiled and shook her head.

I told her to write it on my notes, on my phone and we took the picture from the photographer. I gave her a hug, feeling much more relaxed and then I kissed her on the cheek. She blushed and we said goodbye again.
Once the meet and greet was over, I got out my phone and followed her. She is so nice and beautiful.

Francine's pov:
I'm so glad I met Nash. To be honest, I was dying inside. He is so nice and I could see he was a bit shy. I can't wait to see him perform with the others.

Once the guys came out, the girls and I cheared and laughed at our wildness! I saw Nash look at my direction and wave and so I returned the favor! The girls looked at me in excitement and we started laughing again. I didn't think he would remember me! When Daniel Skye called Maria up on stage, we went mad. I took out my phone and started to video this amazing surprise taking place.

The guys were hilarious. I really enjoyed day 1 of Magcon. Once we got to our hotel room, all we talked about was......Magcon!

'Maria, you're the luckiest girl alive', said Sinéad. We giggled and just checked Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat etc.

Suddenly, there is a knock on the door. 'I'll open it', said Sinéad. It was Daniel. We invited him in and he asked Maria if we would like to hang out with the guys. We couldn't miss a chance like this so of course we agreed. Maria and Dan exchanged numbers and what not, and we quickly got ready.

I decided to wear a grey beanie with black high-waisted jeans and a grey and white baseball T'. I put a coat of mascara on, while Maria texted Dan.

After around 3 minutes, there was a knock on the door. Since I was the closest to the door, I opened it. 'Uhh, Hi Francine'. It was Nash. I grinned and said, 'Hey Grier!' He chuckled. I opened the door wider for the girls to come out and for a good minute we all arranged ourselves, as in Kata, next to Matt, Maria to Dan, Catherine to Cam, Sinéad to Shawn and I went over to Nash.

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