Mina forgets to wear her matching necklace (requested)

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"It's going to be a very long day. We have a long flight ahead of us. Is everyone ready to go?" Jihyo asked as she and the girls all gathered around the living room of the dorm.

All the girls said yes and Jihyo couldn't help but worry because someone always tends to forget something when they leave for long trips like this.

Never anything like their passports or wallets, thankfully.

But little things, things that are extremely important to the girls such as a certain piece of clothing or a comfort item.

But she didn't have time to ask and make sure that everyone had everything because the staff arrived a moment later and the girls left the dorm and got into the cars to head to the airport.

They're traveling from South Korea to Los Angeles and they're not exactly thrilled about the long flight but they're used to it at this point.

Mina and Chaeyoung were riding in the same car, along with Momo, Nayeon, and Tzuyu.

Jihyo, Jeongyeon, Sana, and Dahyun would all ride in the other car and their driver would follow behind.

But just because they're riding in the same car doesn't mean they can show each other any affection because their relationship is still very much a secret from everyone, including the girls.

But they did sit beside each other in the very back of the van and they did hold each other's hands as the van pulled away from the dorm.

Mina placed her head on Chaeyoung's shoulder and toyed with her fingers, so tempted to bring them to her lips so she could kiss her knuckles.

But she resisted, promising herself that when they had a private moment she'd do it then.

Her eyes wandered across her girlfriend's body, stopping at her neck.

She smiled to herself as she saw the necklace that matched her own.

Chaeyoung's was a puzzle without the puzzle piece inside it and Mina's was, of course, the puzzle piece.

When anyone spotted it, they just lied and told them it was a friendship necklace that they wore because of how close they were.

They rarely ever take them off, only when they shower so they don't get ruined.

Mina went to her neck to pull at the puzzle piece, a smile pulling at her lips just thinking about the love behind their matching necklaces.

But when she went to touch it, there was nothing there.

"Oh, no." She mumbled as she lifted her head from Chaeyoung's shoulder.

"What is it, baby?" Chaeyoung wondered.

"My necklace! It's not here." She panicked as she unzipped her purse. "I knew it wouldn't be in here either because if I have it, I'm wearing it. But I'm not. It's gone, I forgot it!"

"Okay, calm down," Chae said as she put her hand on Mina's arm in comfort. "It's okay."

"It isn't! I can't go without it. I have to have it!" She said as she looked at Chaeyoung with a look of intense sadness and anxiety in her eyes.

To her, it's not just a necklace.

It's a part of her beautiful Chaeyoung that she carries around with her everywhere.

When they can't be together due to, for example, Mina staying in at a hotel but Chaeyoung deciding to go out with Jeongyeon or Dahyun, Mina still feels as though Chae is right there with her.

It's her comfort, her safety, because when she has it, she knows that she'll always be okay.

"Driver? Can you turn back around?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Chaeyoung, we can't," Nayeon said with wide eyes.

"Please. I forgot something and it's extremely important. I can't go without it. I can't!" Mina panicked.

Sensing her urgency and desperation, the driver quickly contacted the other one and explained the situation before turning back around.

Thankfully, they weren't far, and Mina was able to go right back into the dorm to quickly grab her necklace.

It was on the bathroom counter, where she'd left it this morning in a rush after taking a quick shower.

She grabbed it, breathing out a sigh of relief and thanking the universe before returning to the car.

"What did you forget?" Momo wondered.

"Can you put it on me?" Mina asked Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung gently moved Mina's hair away from her neck and the girls watched on as she clipped the necklace around Mina's neck.

"Your necklace?" Tzuyu smiled.

"You love that thing, don't you?" Nayeon smiled.

"Very much. I treasure it with everything in me." Mina replied as she got cozy in her seat again.

"Without it, the piece to my puzzle is missing," Chaeyoung said.

"So... she's your missing piece?" Momo asked with a little smirk.

Oh, she was starting to put the pieces together.

But the truth is, she has for a while now.

All of the girls have.

This just confirmed everything for them.

As did the way Mina snuggled up to Chaeyoung, laying her head on her shoulder as her eyes slipped shut.

She felt comforted now that she had her necklace on.

Because no matter what happened on this trip, even if they spent a little time apart because of different schedules or just wanting to do different activities, they were still with each other everywhere they went, no matter what.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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