When It Rains It Pours

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Not that it's anything to be proud of but given how their son has been behaving, it's an improvement. And although he doesn't appear fully pleased, Boss' father nods his head and says then, "That so? That's...good then, I guess."


When Monday rolls around, Noeul finds himself feeling self conscious about the visible bruising on his neck. Well, it's not as if people would be able to tell he just had a biopsy just by looking at it but it could still easily draw attention and with it comes question of what and why and Noeul just doesn't want to get into that. Thus, the getup.

Sitting a few tables behind Noeul, Boss can't help but question his choice of clothing for the day. He's wearing a white turtleneck under his school shirt when it's literally 30 degrees outside. To be fair, it is raining on this particular day but by no means is it cold.

Not just that but the boy is acting strange too. Boss thought it weird that Noeul didn't talk his ear off all morning and now, he's fidgeting uneasily in his seat, rubbing the back of his neck while glancing around anxiously.

What in the world?

Again, Boss tells himself he doesn't care. And whatever it is, he can always ask his friend, Peat, for help.

But as though fate is testing him, he finds out shortly that Noeul and Peat have separate classes that afternoon and now, "against his will", he finds himself following behind as the shorter male who looks even smaller with his head hung low and arms embracing himself makes his way to his next class.

"You're acting suspicious." He finally remarks, making Noeul jump and spin on his heel unsystematically, causing him to lose balance and fall backwards. But thankfully, Boss grabs his shirt and pulls him back to an upright position, overshooting just a bit and ending up with Noeul in his arms.

When the smaller male looks up at him, his ears turn an obvious shade of red but if Boss notices, he doesn't say. Instead, he just steadies the dazed boy on his feet before letting him go. "You're welcome." He says, getting a little too used to hearing Noeul thanking him.

But for once, Noeul pouts and retorts, "Actually, I wouldn't have tripped if you didn't startle me." He doesn't exactly mean that but it's his way of hiding the fact that his heart wants to burst out of his chest from happiness and he'd fall a hundred times over if it meant Boss would catch him.

At his little attitude, Boss quirks a brow and says, "Now that you got your phone back and you don't need my help anymore, this is how it's gonna be? Okay then." He makes a move to walk past to which Noeul panically squeaks, "Wait! T'was a joke. Thank you, Chaikamon. You're my savior. What will I do without you?"

"Now, you're just being sarcastic." Boss remarks which, finally, earns Noeul's musical laughter. There, now he seems more like himself. But why he was acting off to begin with remains a question.

Boss tilts his head, looking Noeul up and down. "What's with the sweater?" He asks then to which Noeul instantly stiffens. "It can't possibly be that cold."

"I-it is!" Sputters Noeul. Then he gestures outside and states the obvious, "It's raining, see."

As if on cue, the rain pours harder and Noeul beams, having proven his point. But then, his smile abruptly falls apart when he realizes that he shouldn't be celebrating the downpour. He whips his head up to the dark sky and exclaims, "Oh my god, it's raining!"

"I can see that." Boss says with a bored look only to have those doe eyes flick over to him pleadingly, making him feel some kind of way. Then, Noeul asks with his hands clasped together, "Chaikamon, would you happen to have an umbrella?"

Our Heart (Rewritten)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora