Chapter 3: Beneath the Surface

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As Chimi and Elaine ventured deeper into the Dark Realm, a lingering silence filled the air. Chimi couldn't help but steal occasional glances at Elaine, noticing something intriguing. Despite the vast differences between the two realms, there was an undeniable resemblance between Elaine and her own sister, Eleanor. Both had the same rich, brown hair and deep brown eyes, a striking similarity that struck Chimi.

Elaine marveled at the stark differences in appearance between the people of their respective realms. In the Light Realm, people had lighter features, with blonde hair and green eyes, while in the Dark Realm, darker features like brown eyes and brown hair were the norm. The contrast was striking, and Elaine had never encountered anyone from a different kingdom before.

Their path led them to a treacherous area of the Dark Realm, filled with quicksand-like mud. Chimi, unfamiliar with such terrain, was visibly apprehensive. She turned to Elaine, seeking guidance on how to proceed. Elaine, ever the composed warrior, simply said, "Just jump over."

With practiced ease, Elaine executed a graceful leap over the treacherous mud. However, Chimi struggled to replicate the move and ended up slipping into the muck. As she began sinking, panic set in. In a split-second decision, Elaine reached out and pulled Chimi to safety. Chimi was puzzled and asked, "Why did you save me?"

Elaine, masking her vulnerability, replied curtly, "It's my duty."

Yet, Chimi sensed there was more to Elaine's actions than she let on.

They remounted their horses and continued toward the Dark Realm castle. This time, their ride was less awkward, and an unspoken understanding seemed to have grown between them.

As the hours passed, darkness enveloped the landscape, prompting them to set up camp for the night. Elaine hadn't anticipated camping and had no blanket. Chimi, attempting to bridge the gap between them, offered her own blanket. At first, Elaine stubbornly refused, making disparaging remarks about Light Realm people. But eventually, she accepted the blanket with a begrudging gesture.

With their backs turned to each other, they settled down to sleep. In the quiet of the night, their thoughts turned to the misconceptions they held about each other's realms. Elaine had believed all Light Realm people were stuck-up brats, while Chimi had thought all Dark Realm folks were inherently evil and conniving.

In that shared silence, both Chimi and Elaine began to wonder if the tales their mothers had told them had been colored by prejudice and misunderstanding.

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