Chapter 1: The Mission

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Characters:Chimi (Princess of the light Realm)Eleanor (Princess of the light Realm)Queen Anastasia (Queen of the Light Realm)Princess Chimi in her warrior attire

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Chimi (Princess of the light Realm)
Eleanor (Princess of the light Realm)
Queen Anastasia (Queen of the Light Realm)
Princess Chimi in her warrior attire

Chimi's room

Chapter begins:
Chimi sat on her bed in her room, her favorite bow and arrow set carefully laid out before her. She inspected the finely crafted weapons with a sense of pride; they were a testament to her skills as a warrior princess. The room was adorned with golden tapestries, a testament to the royal heritage she bore. Yet, despite her privileged status, Chimi's life wasn't without its challenges.

Just as she was about to start her daily routine of cleaning and maintaining her weapons, the door to her room swung open with a force that surprised her. In barged Eleanor, her younger sister, a whirlwind of frustration and accusation.

Not long after her father passed away, on an ordinary day, there came a soft knock at the castle's door. When the door slowly opened, Chimi couldn't resist peeking. To her surprise, she found a little child wrapped in a blanket inside a cardboard box. Queen Anastasia, the ruler of the Light Realm, decided to keep the child, naming her Eleanor. As they both grew older, Chimi couldn't help but notice that her mother seemed to favor Eleanor more than her. Which put a bit of a strain on their bond.

"Chimi!" Eleanor exclaimed, her voice a mix of irritation and anger. She held up a shirt, her face flushed with annoyance. "You stole my shirt, didn't you?"

Chimi raised an incredulous eyebrow. "Really, Eleanor? You think I'd wear your clothes?"

Eleanor scowled, her petite frame standing in stark contrast to Chimi's taller, more athletic build. "Well, it's gone, and I saw you sneaking around my room yesterday!"

Chimi sighed, shaking her head. "Eleanor, we don't even wear the same size. Look at us; you're an elf compared to me."

The argument escalated quickly, voices rising as the sisters exchanged heated words. It was a typical sibling dispute, but it was interrupted when Queen Anastasia, their mother, entered the room.

"Enough!" Queen Anastasia's commanding voice silenced the room instantly. Her presence radiated authority, and both Chimi and Eleanor fell quiet. She turned to her youngest daughter. "Eleanor, leave us."

Eleanor huffed and shot one last accusing glare at Chimi before reluctantly exiting the room, slamming the door behind her.

Queen Anastasia sighed, her expression softening as she approached her eldest daughter. Chimi could sense the gravity of the conversation about to take place.

"Chimi," Queen Anastasia began, her tone serious, "I need you to embark on a solo mission."

Chimi's eyes widened with surprise. A solo mission? It was her first time leaving the kingdom, and she couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness.

"Your brother, Matthew, has run away," the queen continued, her gaze steady. "He seeks vengeance for your father's death and believes it can only be found in the Dark Realm. You will leave in the morning, your gear and horse will be waiting." The queen emotionlessly excited the room without even saying goodbye to her daughter knowing the risk of going to the Dark Realm.

Chimi frowned, her annoyance now replaced by anger for her brother. She couldn't understand why he'd be so impulsive, but she knew she had to bring him back. As the reality of the mission set in, she couldn't help but feel the weight of responsibility on her shoulders. She fell asleep on edge, disappointed in her mother's lack of concern.

In the morning, Chimi put on her special uniform and headed outside. Her designated maid, who had been with her since birth, waved and said, "Be careful out there, sweetheart!" This made Chimi feel a bit more at ease. Chimi had been riding for hours, her horse's white and gold armor gleaming under the sun. The cracked desert grounds of No Man's Land stretched endlessly before her. Her thoughts drifted back to her father, the king who had met his end in a tragic battle with the Dark Realm King. The two killed each other in the battle of no return forever separating the two realms. She clenched her bow and arrow tightly, a mix of fear and determination coursing through her. Part of her began to agree with her brother's reasoning.

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