The unexpected turn off events

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Rey is a proud owner of R.S fashion Industries with 37 branches all around the world along (after his father's health took ill, rey had to enter his father company in his place.) with is d3 dance Academy chain.

Now He's a well known, most wanted Young bachelor throughout the fashion industry, people go crazy for his looks and dance.

The fashion industry people calls him with the name Greek God, All the girls wants to be his girlfriend or his wife but he rarely makes an appearance in magazines or interviews, They want to have the privilege of Roaming their fingers around his broad and killer figure, but gets no chance of it happening, as he doesn't attain any parties or grand gathering...
Rey has it all, be it money, body, Face or the Charm.

He also left dance, he used to dance before but it has been a long time since he had danced again after opening his own Academy.

one afternoon in R.K's main office......

There Rey was in his office completing very important contacts when he received a call from Sharon.

Sharon: hey Rey, how are you?

Rey: hi shar! I am hell Busy right now!, will call you in the evening na.

Sharon: Come on Rey, don't be like that, even I have a busy schedule but I made time to call right? ho I almost forgot why I called you now, hey I heard that you're participating in the upcoming fashion show it's all over on the news I just read it.

Rey: what??? When did this happen and how come I don't know anything about it?

Sharon: Oh! You didn't know? (She said it with a small laugh.)Well, all the best, I don't think, you can back out of it now, as it's all over the news, So I'll be very happy to see you making a fool of yourself Bye. (She was cracking up while saying all this, laughing her head off.)

Rey, Immediately calls his assistant secretary in the office as he wants to discuss, What the hell is going on?

His secretary reminds him that she had informed him about this and he had agreed to it himself a week ago.

Then he remembered that while going through some other companies contracts and being distracted after the drama play thing, he by mistakenly, agreed to it.
Letting out a heavy sign he asked.

Rey: When is the show gonna be held and where?

Secretary: In two weeks time and it will be held in New York Fashion Week is a semi-annual fashion show, as it is organized twice a year in Manhattan, New York City, NY, USA. Held in February and September of every year, New York fashion events are 7 to 9 days' show, where the world's top brands and fashion designers display their newly designed collections and this year you and one of the top models are being paired as the shop stopper, she said in one go.

Rey: so you are saying I'll be stuck there for 7 to 9 days?

Rey: Is there any possibility to back out of it now?

Secretary: No Sir, I don't think so, because they have been trying for the past months, but each  time you firmly say no, However, last week you did say yes, so now nothing can be done.

Rey: Alright, no problem. Let's see what happens, Please make all the arrangements ready for me to leave.

Secretary: I've already done it sir, I have made all the arrangements according to what you like, And I spoke to the main person in charge of the event and I'll also be accompanying you, So there will be no issue, Sir.

Rey: alright, when do we leave?

Secretary: in 3 days time sir.

(In the evening, Rey informed Tanni about the fashion show, but he didn't invite her to accompany him. It didn't even occur to him to ask her to join him, while she on the other hand was waiting for him to realize that she wanted to go with him and spend some time alone away from work and his d3 Academy, but rey never did ask her to accoupling him on this trip and yet again tanni felt disappointed.)

After a few days without any trouble, Rey and his secretary reached New York.

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