She loves control

Start from the beginning

She felt lucky to have such a kind and thoughtful neighbour. She walked back into her house, feeling grateful for the unexpected comfort during a tough day.

Daisy sat at the kitchen table, her iPad resting on its case as she finished up the delicious home-cooked meal that Georgie had brought over. As she ate, her phone suddenly rang.

When Daisy checked her phone, she saw that it was Molly Weasley, a family friend. "Hey, Molly," Daisy said, answering the phone. "Hello, Daisy dear," Molly said warmly, "I wanted to check in on you and see how you're doing. I heard from your mother that things weren't going so well between you and Harry." Daisy sighed. She didn't really want to talk about what had happened with Harry, but she knew that Molly was the kind of person who wouldn't let it go until she got answers. "It's just a long story, Molly," Daisy said, hoping to brush off the topic.

Molly, however, wasn't going to give up that easily. "Come on now, dearie. You know you can tell me anything. What happened with Harry?" Daisy hesitated for a moment before finally giving in. "We got into an argument, and things got pretty heated. He ended up throwing his wedding ring at me, and that was pretty much the end of it." Molly clucked her tongue sympathetically. "Oh, Daisy, I'm so sorry to hear that. If you ever need a place to stay, you know you're welcome to come to Surrey and stay with us for a while. We have a guest room all set up for you."

Daisy felt a sudden surge of gratitude towards Molly. She knew that Molly had always looked out for her, even when she was younger. "Thank you, Molly," Daisy said, feeling her voice crack with emotion, "that's so kind of you. I might take you up on that offer." "Of course, dearie," Molly replied, "just let us know when you're ready to come. We'll be here for you."

Daisy felt comforted by Molly's words and support. She knew that despite the difficulties she was facing, she had people around her who cared and were willing to help. She finished up her dinner, feeling a little lighter and more hopeful for the future.

The next day, Daisy woke up feeling a little refreshed and ready to start her new life in Surrey. She packed her clothes and essentials in a suitcase and threw a backpack over her shoulder. She got into her silver Mini car and drove off to Molly's place.

As she pulled up at Molly's house, she parked her car and got out, suitcase in hand. She walked up to the door and knocked. Molly opened it, and Daisy was immediately enveloped in a warm, tight embrace. It felt good to be in the presence of someone who genuinely cared for her.

Molly pulled away, and Daisy noticed Molly's cat named Cotton walking past her feet. She bent down to stroke its fur, feeling comforted by the softness of the feline's fur. "Come on in," Molly said, stepping aside to allow Daisy to enter. "You must be tired from the ride." Daisy gave a tired smile, grateful to be in Molly's comforting abode.

She walked into the living room, where Molly had set out some refreshments. She sat on the comfortable armchair, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. "Thank you so much for letting me stay here, Molly," Daisy said, taking a sip from the steaming cup of tea Molly had poured for her. Molly chuckled, "Nonsense, dearie. You're always welcome here. I'm just glad I can help you out in some way." Daisy felt a pang of emotion as she looked at Molly. She had always been a constant, caring figure in her life.

Daisy had settled into her room for a while now, trying to make herself feel comfortable in the new environment. She sat on the beanbag, scrolling through her phone as she tried to drown out the noise and doubts in her head.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, and Daisy looked up to find Harry, looking flustered and surprised to see her. "Daisy, what are you doing here?" he asked. "Molly offered for me to stay here for a while," Daisy replied, avoiding eye contact. "But this is the room Molly gave me," Harry protested. Daisy felt a sudden fear creep in, knowing that Harry could be unpredictable when he was angry. She whimpered as Harry started getting angry, his voice growing louder.

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