A Real Home(Alternate Toga Fate AU)

Start from the beginning

The next few days were a bit of a blur. She was basically quarantined in the room and was never let out. It wasn't like she wanted to go anywhere anyhow. She had her own bathroom and her own forms of entertainment. Mostly books or a T.V. She still had meals and frequent visits from Ochako. Every time she showed up, she looked more and more exhausted. "Hey, I'm here. What are you working on?" "Just some puzzle your teacher gave me...what is it with your teacher and cats?" She asked as she showed the box with a picture of kittens. "I don't know honestly." "Kurogiri...before back in the bar was almost amused by cats. We passed by a box of them once and he just starred for five hours until Tomura called for him." She told her as Ochako sat across from her to help. "Maybe they could've been really good friends." Maybe...how's Izuku?" "Resting well. He's eating and getting better. He's still insisting on going back." "I'll assume he doesn't know I'm here." "Well, I did try to tell him but then Bakugou keeps showing up to keep him from trying to run. If he knows you're here, we may as well just skip the country." She smiled and laughed weakly. "He definitely won't be happy I'm here. So, who does know?" Mr. Aizawa, 13, Mic sensei, Nezu, Recovery Girl, and Vlad King..." She answered. "Oh, and Hatsume." "That pink-haired girl?" "Yep. She even made you that fancy bracelet." "Oh wow. I should thank her the next time I see her. This is just simply divine." She said in her best fancy voice. Ochako giggled and helped her finish the piece. They began eating together. "Speaking of...I know this may be touchy and you do not have to tell me if you don't want to but...Do you ever miss your parents?" "I don't know...growing up I mean...I don't know. They're still my mom and dad but...I don't think I ever really felt love from them. It was all about keeping up appearances and 'we better not have a monster for a child'. I don't think they ever loved me." She frowned. "Oh...oh god I'm so sorry..." "It's alright...I ended up okay." She smiled weakly before frowning again. "Why do you ask?" "When the staff was being alerted about you...Vlad King looked really intrigued and then asked me out you...and who you live with." "Why?" "I don't know. He never actually told me...I haven't spoken to him for days." She just shrugged it off and kept eating. Meanwhile, in another room in the same building, Vlad was speaking to Aizawa, Nezu, and Tsukauchi (the detective to those who aren't the best with remembering characters). "You want to what?" "If she allows it. She has a blood-related quirk correct?" "Yes...from what we gathered she can transform into the person depending on the blood she's consumed." Tsukauchi said. "If she consumes more than one person she can turn into them as well. It seems she can also use the quirk as well but only she truly loves the person...it's interesting but dangerous." "Explain how she's dangerous." "Do you really want a list of all her crimes?" Aizawa asked. "I have plenty of students who can serve as witnesses to what she's done. I still don't understand why we're even housing her." "It was Miss Uravity's request and it seems she's formed a sort of bond with her. I'd try to argue with her but I'm slightly afraid of her." Nezu responded sipping from his cup. "This isn't funny. Why on earth would you want to adopt her?" "She's a seventeen-year-old, who's likely had no actual affection, no appropriate parental figures, and no real home to grow up in. With her quirk, it's no surprise this was the path she took. It wasn't her fault. She deserves a chance." Tsukauchi nodded and sighed. "I know you sympathize with her...you two have similar beginnings but unfortunately adoption is out of the question. You know our laws In our country are difficult. Not only are you not married but she's soon to be a legal adult. The only way you could adopt her was if her parents gave you their rights if you are related to her family at all, or if she were under the age of six. Legally speaking, she cannot be adopted especially considering what she's done up to now." "Are you kidding?" "It's unfortunately true. Adoption in our country or well any country isn't simple. You may not be able to legally become her parent but what do our laws say about fostering? You'd still be able to care for her and give her a good home." Nezu suggested. Aizawa answered. "When Hizashi and I fostered Shinsou it took some time but it's legal. I've met plenty of single parents who've taken up to fostering. You could be able to if you really want to." "She didn't deserve to go down this path...I want to give her a second chance. She could help so many people if she was given a chance in the beginning." "I'm sorry but I fail to see how she could've helped people. Her quirk is-" "Evil? Dangerous? Villainous? Explain." Vlad demanded. "She could become a detective...her quirk could help identify victims who's missing and possibly more. Quirks do not define a person, how they use them is what defines them." "Then what's your plan once she's arrested? Bail?" "This could be a good opportunity to show that the new program could be a success." "Again...Nezu, sir with all due respect...the program won't work. No villains will willingly hand themselves over. They'll either lie or think it's a trap." "With that negative attitude, it may fail but I'll have faith in her. Nemuri would have to, you know that." Aizawa slammed his mug down and nearly broke into sobs. He frowned and wiped his face. The room fell silent for a moment. "I can pull up the forms as soon as the day after tomorrow but if she refuses?" "Let me speak with her."

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