Chapter :23 Twenty Three

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(final chapter)

There i was back at the airport. But this time i was saying goodbye to Corey, Kelly and Theo, My best friends. We were all going separate ways to follow our dreams.

Corey was moving to London to grow his skating school which was a huge success.

Kelly was moving to Los Angeles to attend fashion school while also beginning a career in fashion.

Theo was going back to New York to begin a career in music. His music career had already begun for he had been gaining recognition.

And I was moving to France to attend culinary school.

We all hugged each other goodbye and our goodbye took a whole thirty minutes.

"I can't believe i will never be able to run to you, when i have a problem or have something to tell you. Because we will no longer be neighbors after fifteen years of being neighbors." Kelly was sorbing her eyes out.

"I know and now when I'm sad I have no one to confide in." I too sorbed my eyes out as we hugged each other.

I turned to Corey and hugged him. "See you later my friend." He said as we broke the hug. "See you later." I smiled at him.

I turned to Theo and smiled at him and he returned the smile. I wrapped my arms around him and he too hugged me before letting go and kissing me.

"Call me everyday." I began as he held my hand in his.

"Okay. I will." He said.

"Promise?" I raised up my pinky and he smiled.

"I promise." He intertwined our fingers before we were disturbed by the intercom lady.

We let go of each other as the lady on the intercom announced that our planes where about to leave.

We walked together to our gates before we all had to separate went go to our different gates.

I wiped away the tears on my cheeks as i walked into the plane. My head hung low then walked up to my seat which was a window seat.

My mind drifted to my mother who i had to leave and saying goodbye to her was the hardest. It's the first time in my life that i was going to be far away from her for a really long time and i did not know how she was going to go about without me and how she was going to have to live alone.

It was only goodbye for a while and oneday we would all be back at one place once again.

These past two years were the best two years of my life. There was heartbreak, confusion, fear, happiness,  and so much more but most of all there was love.

And so much more love awaits us all. But for now this is the end of our story.

                      ~The End~

Author's Note

This story was a short story and one of my favorites I had ever written and I'm glad to say I have completed it and it has come to an end.

I have gained a connection with the characters and the even Riverstone and so much more about the story.

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