Making way to future ..

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Murtasim had been very busy lately. He would leave home right after breakfast and not return until sunset. Meerub, although did not complain, was missing his presence. Their relationship had progressed since the night on the hilltop. Murtasim, agreeing to Meerub's conditions, had given her the comfort of looking forward to a life she had always dreamt of. They started sleeping in the same bed with Meesam between them and Murtasim would never miss a chance to kiss Meerub or hold her hand whenever they were alone.

As the days passed, Murtasim's busy schedule began to take a toll on both. Meerub understood the importance of his work, but Meesam couldn't help but yearn for more of his time and attention.

One night, as they sat together on their patio, having coffee, Meerub finally mustered the courage to speak.

"Murtasim," she began softly, "The day after tomorrow my leaves from the office will finish, and my landlord wants to know if I am coming back, I know you agreed that I could continue my work, but I still want to know if I should resign from my job?"

Murtasim did not look worried or stressed by what Meerub was saying, but very calmly listened. He took her hands in his and started caressing them with his thumb.

Murtasim; "Of course Meerub, you should resign."

Meerub: "Hmm"

Murtasim: "I want you to Trust Me!"

Meerub: (Smiling) I do.

Murtasim: Then what's the issue?

Meerub: "I have to wrap up the house in Islamabad and then there are my things that will need to be packed and moved here. Also, I need to find a job in Hyderabad."

Murtasim: "When do you want to go?"

Meerub: "I can go in a day or two before the month ends."

Murtasim seemed like thinking, but then he said "Okay" we will go tomorrow.

Meerub looked surprised, she said with a tinge of hurt and mistrust in her voice, "I will not run away Murtasim, I can go alone."

Murtasim understood her meaning and immediately corrected her, "Of course, I know you will not run-away Meerub, but I don't want you to handle any situation in life alone anymore." With this, he squeezed her hands with reassurance.

Meerub smiled understating his POV, took her hand out of his hold, picked up her coffee mug, leaned back and comfortably started sipping her coffee. Her body language depicted the trust she had recently developed in Murtasim.

- - - - -

The next day Meerub, Murtasim and Meesam drove to Karachi and from there flew to Islamabad.

At Islamabad airport a car was waiting for them, already arranged by Murtasim. He preferred driving the car himself and not taking a driver along.

It was a long day for them, and Meesam slept as soon as they sat in the car at the airport. To Meerub's surprise, they did not drive to her house, instead, they arrived at the hotel in Islamabad.

Meerub: "Why are we staying at the hotel?"

Murtasim: "I thought it would be more comfortable to stay here, since the house will not be prepared for our arrival."

It made sense, also Meerub knows that Murtasim is used to certain comforts that her small house cannot provide. It took a lot of effort for her to adjust to that lifestyle. There used to be times when she would miss the comfort of her own Karachi house and yearn for luxuries.

Snapping out of thoughts, Meerub got out of the car carrying sleeping Meesam in her arms and started following Murtasim who was handing over the car to the valet and instructing the concierge to bring the luggage.

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