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Flying Heaven's Governing Sword Style: a kenjutsu technique that allows a single swordsman to defeat numerous foes single-handedly. It is Rooted in the concept of ichi no tachi, or to strike in a single blow, The style uses a combination of immense speed and agility, battōjutsu, and acquired observation that permits a practitioner to anticipate an opponent's movements. Both offensive and defensive maneuvers are executed with minimal movement to increase a practitioner's ability to counter-attack and conserve energy. As such, made with efficiency and spareness of exertion in the face of warfare scale battles yet with powerful and coordinated movements to easily fell threats in long and undetermined periods of time, it is among one of the strongest swordsmanship styles in the world.

Way of Lai: a kenjutsu technique concerned with the smooth, controlled movements of drawing the sword from its scabbard, striking or cutting an opponent, and then replacing the sword in the scabbard. The linear motion and force applied to draw the sword from the scabbard results in slashes that are faster and stronger than ones executed with the sword already drawn.

Flowing water cut: a special kenjutsu technique designed for going blade-to-blade with his opponent. The main principle is to be as flexible as flowing water, such that, when the opponent withdraws his sword, instead of also withdrawing, Drakar follows the opponent through, cutting through their body. The technique was so named due to it being analogous to the expanding of water into an empty vessel

Flaming Blade: Y/n ignites his blade in flames and swings it at his opponent. The attack can be used on a large scale or a smaller one.

Flame Cutter: This attack is a long-range version of the flaming blade. He swings his blade at his opponent and sends a sharp compressed blade of fire at his opponent.

Fortress Blaze: This technique creates an immense wall of flame, which surrounds the target and forms a huge contained sphere of flame in which to imprison enemies.

Torch: This technique allows Y/n to create a great inferno with a simple wave of Zankaiyō. The fire generated by the attack completely consumes whatever is caught within it until only ashes remain. The flames created by Zankaiyō can be controlled, with great precision, by Y/n to attack only the targets he chooses, and he has power over the intensity of the flames.

Flames of Hell: Creates seven or more immense pillars of flame that surround an area. The intent of this technique is to trap the opponent in the caged inferno and destroy them. The power of this technique can destroy everyone caught in its vicinity, including Y/n himself. These flames can incinerate an area much greater than a town.

land cutter, West: Remnant Sun Prison Garb: This ability is unseen by the eyes of anyone else unless Y/n wants it to be seen. It engulfs his body in heat which reaches a temperature upwards of 15,000,000 degrees Celsius. Therefore, it becomes impossible to even touch him while he is using this ability. The level of heat produced by this technique is so high, it would not actually appear in the form of flames.

land cutter, South: Great Burial Ranks of the Ten Trillion Fire Dead: Impaling the tip of his sword into the ground, Y/n calls upon the corpses and ashes of the dead who were killed by his flames to come forth and fight on his behalf. They emerge from a rupture in the ground which comes with enough force to decimate marineford. Using the heat of his sword on their ashes, he can rouse all the people he has killed, allowing the corpses to become his limbs and attack whomever he deems as his enemy until they become dust. He can bring forth any specific corpse that he wishes, allowing him to inflict psychological damage upon those with connections to those he has slain.

land Cutter, North: Heaven and Earth End in Ashes: A slash of concentrated fire and heat that incinerates whatever it touches out of existence.

Rising Moon: A basic upwards slash. The blade of Zankaiyō is rapidly drawn from its sheath in an elegant motion, resembling that is a moon rising on a dark scene.

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