Chapter 9

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Visioner doodled on the corner of his scroll, barely listening to Clay as the MudWing talked about the muscles in a dragon wing. 

He jumped as someone tapped his shoulder. He turned to see Sunny, who gestured for him to the exit. Visioner followed her outside.

"Have you seen Brightness anywhere?" Sunny asked. "She's not in class, and now that Tamarin's not here, no one's keeping an eye out for her."

A pang of guilt struck Visioner; he hadn't spent much time with his twin sister lately, because he was so preoccupied with Mink's suspicions and the attacks. 

He realized that Sunny was still waiting for an answer, and replied, "No, I didn't see her. Sorry."

Sunny shrugged. "It's alright; you must have a lot on your mind lately."

Visioner gave her an uncomfortable smile and slipped quietly back into the classroom. 

Sighing, he sat down and let Clay's voice into his drifting mind.


How can I set Darkstalker free? Brightness asked her feather. 

It's almost impossible to do so, It replied. Brightness growled; that wasn't an answer.



Brightness glared down at the feather, then set it on fire with a small plume of flames. It burst into brilliant orange-and-red fireworks before a tiny amount of ash fluttered to the ground. 

I need a real answer, She decided. From someone who has the experience of magic.

Another animus. And since Anemone's dead, I'll have to do with Stonemover.

A Vision of Happiness: Rise of Evil (Book 6)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora