24: Dawn Conversation Lifetime

Start from the beginning

And he was already out of the room before Vincent remembered to give chase; he was owed a conversation after all.

As the pair departed, Simon and Bart exchanged a look edged with confusion. Matt let out a small sigh, finishing his drink, before slapping his hands lightly on his thighs.

"Come along, gentleman," he said, somehow both earnest and jovial, "I believe this is something you should both see."

In the hallway, Vincent was almost jogging. "Thomas," he called as his outstretched arm tapped lightly against the other man's shoulder.

"What, Vincent?" He turned sharply, pulling away from his touch. "What?"

Despite the man's irritation and his proximity, Vincent did not move away. "I... the..." He let out a small noise of frustration; his stutter had never been more inconvenient than that moment. "You're leaving?"

Thomas swallowed. "There is no place for me here."

Vincent shook his head. "I disagree."

"You can't-"

"I can."

"But you-"

Vincent interjected with a quick huff of air. "Stop trying to rescue me for a second and listen to me." His cheeks were warm, his breathing quick, and he waited a good moment to make sure Thomas would hear him out. "If... You..." His lip twitched, but Thomas waited for him. "I'm sorry for what I said. I was confused and I... I felt like an impediment." He couldn't help his gaze fluttering to the floor, frowning at the marble as that confession resonated in his chest.

"An impediment?" The question was laced with surprise. "To what?"

Vincent blinked. Slowly, he raised his chin, pinning Thomas with a confused frown. "To you." It felt ridiculous to explain what was so obvious. "An impediment to your friendships, your ambitions, your... happiness."

Thomas shook his head, letting out a huff. "You're not making any sense."

"You... when... I have burdened those I care about for my entire life." He took a half a step closer as he listed the ways against his fingers. "They have had to accommodate me, explain me, interpret me, and wait for me. I have hampered them at every turn, and I could not bear it if you felt that way too."

"Vincent." The direction of the gentle call of his name startled the man, and he tossed a surprised glance over his shoulder to find his three brothers watching them from the study doorway. On this rare occasion, their expressions matched; they were hurt.

Vincent's eyes shuttered in a mix of guilt and frustration. He had only enough energy to be mindful of the feelings of one man in that room and he had made his choice.

"Just... Can..."

Simon took a step forward. "You have never been a burden to us, Vincent. I'm so sorry that you have felt that way."

Ah. They were not hurt by him, they were hurt for him.

Simon's smile was gentle as he continued. "You are our brother and you-"

Vincent did not have time for this. He cut him off.

"I... if... Forgive me, Simon." He waved a hand in Thomas' direction. "But Thomas and I must finish our conversation."

He turned back to Thomas, missing Simon's bemused blinking and Matt's smirk.

Thomas' lips had a twist of a smile to them that faded slowly as he held Vincent's gaze. "I have not felt that way in a long time," he said. His dark eyes did not waver. "Maybe when we met I wished you would speak a little quicker or be more direct, but that was before I knew you. Now I know you have the slowest quick wit in all of England."

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