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I watched as Brook's mother praised her daughter for taking such a big step in the money business. "Dats ma baby!" She cried. "Be betta dan me and ya fathea! I'm so proud."

Brook blushed as her mother smothered her in kisses and hugs.

I envied it, my mother and Brook's mother were two completely different mothers. Brook's mother is fun and in the moment, while My mother is strict and very paranoid about little things. That's why I don't have a job or go out.

She think I'll get kidnapped or pregnant. Like damn, firstly, I can handle myself, and secondly I don't even like kids, so I ain't gon let no bum ass nigga impregnate me.

Since the day I turned five I was never allowed to pass the blue mail box outside my house. Unless I was going to school and even then I would ride carpool. Sigh.

In 2018, when I was in 9th grade, some kids from my school threw rocks at my house and got me to come outside. Thing was, I wasn't allowed to pass the mailbox. So I watched in tears as they laughed and pointed. They called me a dog since dogs are always stuck to a pole and not allowed to pass a part of the lawn.

From middle school to high-school I was clowned for always being stuck in the house. Even when I befriended Brook. I had to get her to come over my house because I wasn't allowed to leave mine. Thank God she understood me and didn't make fun of me. That's why my exes left me, the only time I saw them were during school or on FaceTime.

My life sucks, and it my mom's fault.

"Add me," I commented in her live.

"Bestie," Brook squealed. She reached forward and clicked on my pf.

I turned ma camera on and smiled weakly.

"Have you told ya mom?" She smiled with glee.

"Nah, not yet...hey Mrs. Hatchet." I waved.

"Hey baby, hey, congratulations. I'm proud of you girls!" Mrs. Hatchet smiled before leaving the camera.

"I wish I had yo mom." I whined.

"Don't be afraid, go tell her." Brook said.

"Where NBA?,"

"Add NBA,"

The comments said after I showed up. I rolled my eyes. "Dat nigga was just uh guest, guest come and go, have sum respect, dis is Brook's live." I said.

I left from my desk and headed into the front room, where my mom was watching Tubi. She comfortably sat in the middle of the couch. Her legs crossed, she held herself tightly.

I stood next to her, android in my hand, I leaned over and kissed her forehead. Calm before the storm I guess.

"Hey baby," She hummed with a smile.

"Hey ma', I'm on live with Brook by the way."

I turned to camera and watched as Brook waved as my mom. "Heyy Ms. Governor!"

"Hey Brook, how's ya moma and dem?"

"Good, good, Kiki got sumthin ta tell you."

I sighed softly, at least let me ease in Brook shit.

"Like what?" She turned to me and frowned.

"I---both, Brook and I---got uh job out in Utah." I said.

"I don't trus---,"

"He payin' well," Brook cut in. "It'll be 'nough ta get you uh two bathroom house, I know how much you like personal space Ms. Govrnor,"

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