Chapter 1: A Red Sacred Mechanoid?!? Part 1

Start from the beginning

[Y/N]: "Yes sir."

[Elios]: "Good, now for your first wish."

[Y/N]: "For my first wish, I want to be able to pilot Gundam Astray Red."

Elios looked through Y/N head to look and see all of the weapons, after looking Elios then noded his head.

[Elios]: "Okay for your second wish."

[Y/N]: "For my second wish, I want the skills and talents of Amuro, Banagher, Lowe and kenchi."

Elios thought about it for a couple minutes.

[Elios]: "Sure, but you'll be five times slower then them."

[Y/N]: "My third wish is to have the a custom Jesta, called the Winter Soldier. "

[Elios]: "Alright sure, number four?"

[Y/N]: "My fourth wish is that my beam rifle can switch between ballistic and beam and my shield has and beam cannon mounted onto it."

Elios simply noded.

[Y/N]: "My fifth wish is to have a gaint spaceship that orbits the planet, it will have everything I need for my Gundam and the Jesta."

Again Elios only nodded.

[Y/N]: "For my sixth wish, I want Astray Red to be able to fly on it's own, and for my last wish I want both to have their entire frame be built out of Psycho-Frame Material and to have both use the 360 view cockpit."

Elios raised one of his eyebrows, at Y/N last wish, Elios sat for a couple seconds and thought about it, after a couple seconds, Elios agrees and nods his haed.

[Elios]: "Okay, if that's all then, I'll be sending you to the world."

[Y/N]: "That's all and thank you."

[Elios]: "No problem kid."

With that Elios snapped his fingers and Y/N disappeared, Elios let out a long sigh, before he heard footsteps coming closer to him.

[Elios]: "Hello, dear sister how can I help you."

The woman around Elios and sat in the chair in front of him. The woman had short black hair with blood red tips, that had been stylized into a wolf's cut, her eyes and skin was almost the same as Elios, she had the beautiful tann skin and the ruby red eyes except her eyes were a little daker then Elios's, and for her clothing, she wore a black collar, a black leather jacket over a constantly changing crop top, the crop top perfectly showed off her twelve pack, tight fitting black jeans and black combat boots.

[Woman]: "I only came to see if you had sent that child to the world."

Elios let an annoyed sigh.

[Elios]: "Yes sister, I've already sent the boy."

The woman let out a small smile.

[Woman]: "Good, I'll see you later, little brother."

The woman then disappeared and Elios sighed, his eyes then began glowing, before he slammed his right hand into the chair armrest, causing the cabin around him to shake and the glass to shatter.

[Elios]: "Damn that woman!"

A bright blue light appears behind Elios and a tall woman with tann skin, black hair that was styled into a pixie cut, brown eyes and wore a blue suit, with white in it, blue suit pants and some blue and white shoes, appeared a couple feet behind Elios.

Astray The Red Meccanoid! [Tenchi Muyo! War on Gemir X Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now