"We got something!" My dad yelled out as he held onto a fish in the net, it was fairly big which surprised me, I laughed as it thrashed all in his hands and water went everywhere.

"Hold on!" I tried to help him hold it but before I could he fell back, the fish escaped and water went everywhere, soaking us both.
I fell in near him and coughed water, laughing, some of the rocks were really slippery so we both struggled to stand. "We are terrible at this."

"Yeah. We are, let's just try again." He laughed as he pulled me up to stand, my wings were heavy and covered in water, soaking any fur I had and making it almost impossible to stay up straight. It took a few attempts but we finally caught a fish, fairly large, not huge but enough to feed us both, a salmon.
We walked back to the camp, soaking and smiling, I carried the fish, using my claws to keep a firm grip as Garmadon brought the net, hanging it up to dry, we both put out shirts on a washing line he had made and sat down at the fire, lighting it to look the fish.

"That went better than expected." I watched as he removed unneeded parts with a knife and spread my wings, drying them off and getting warm next to the fire.

"Yeah, somehow we managed to catch this guy, at least we can eat. Tomorrow we start your training, you better be up early to get ready." He spoke with a smile, I nodded as we started to cook the fish, telling stories and messing about.
After we ate we put the bones of the fish in the river, cleaning it items and taking turns to get changed in the small tent/room we had set up, I was in my hammock, struggling to sleep as I stared at the sky, everything was to perfect, the hammock was comfortable and I was happy, my father was already asleep.
Spirit and smoky slept near the remains of the fire, I sighed and shifted into my side, I had a headache and felt fairly dizzy, it must have been my Oni side since the pain was mostly around my horns, ears and mouth, I cursed under my breath and tried to sleep, eventually I fell asleep and was curled up, wrapping wings around myself and curled my tail around my feet.
There was nothing I could do to stop the nightmare's, they came every night, this one was different, usually I would be running from something in caves and tunnels, a made of weird rooms, never seeing what chased me but tonight, I was alone in the monastery, whatever always chased me wasn't here and I felt weird, I was full of power, not feeling like myself anymore.
Not controlling myself as I was now whatever chased me, I watched as I hunted down people, my family, my friends, anyone I saw, killing and mutilating them all until there was nothing but a bloody mess of bones and flesh, I tried to fight my nightmare, find a way out but there wasn't one.
After a while I turned a corner and saw an oni looking back, my oni form... It was a mirror.
I was covered in blood and looked like a true monster, everything I feared.
At that moment I woke up, sweating an breathing heavily, my father was still asleep as I stood up, leaving the campsite to get some fresh air, whispering to myself.

"It's okay... It's just a nightmare. I'm awake. I'm not going to become whatever I just saw. You are not a monster..." I slowly calmed myself down, still breathing heavily with flaming tears rolling down my face, I rubbed them away and sat down, I realised I had grabbed my bag when I left the campsite, I started looking through it until I found my anxiety pills, taking the amount I needed and looking through my bag.

After a while the sun started to rise, I was thinking about going back to camp until I saw my violin in my bag, I reached in and grabbed the case it was in, opening it and gently lifting it out.
I decided to tune it and try playing again, it had been several years since I had.

I can't put nothing here like a video that won't get copyright so go look at this if you really need to know


I played until it started to rain slightly, I packed my things and ran back to camp before my dad woke up, our camp was all sheltered from the rain by huge leaves and trees so I didn't have to worry about getting wet again.
I put my bag down and sat down, waiting for my dad to wake up, refusing to think about my nightmares.

"Lloyd? Oh, there you are." I watched as he walked over to me smiling. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah... Just tired." I smiled at him, shifting my wings and tail to a better, more comfortable position.

"Good, we'll have breakfast then we'll train."

I nodded as we went towards a path, it had many bushes with berries and even a bee hive, perfect for honey on toast.
We got a couple bee stings, a fair amount of berries and a small jar of honey.
We made toast over the fire and had a fairly good breakfast, the sun was high in the sky by the time we had changed into our Gi and got ready to train.

"First, try make a small flame of your power, use the anger you have in you." He stood holding a staff, similar to Wu's, near me but not to close.

I closed my eyes and tried to think of what makes me angry, just something small and simple.
Not enough to activate my oni form but enough to hold my power.
I opened my eyes again to see purple, fire like power glowing in my paw/hand.
I struggled to control it as it started to grow larger and more wild, more powerful and out of control.

"Lloyd! Control it!" Garmadon yelled but I couldn't hear him, I struggled to control my power until I shot it away, into an old, dead tree, the tree exploded and twisted until it was splinters, falling to the ground as I stared, panting. "Lloyd? Are you okay?"

"I- I'm fine. You didn't tell me it would be that hard to control..." I looked at him and smiled, laughing breathlessly. Hearing something in the forest near us we both looked up confused, it sounded so good... I needed it. What... I must find it.

I started to walk slowly, weirdly, almost in a trance or possessed by something as I stared into the forest, smiling slightly, my eyes purely purple.

I wanted to do a cliffhanger and finish this tomorrow or today and still publish something so here you go.


The Golden Oni (Ninjago Fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu