Chapter Twenty:- What If?

Start from the beginning

As soon as I entered the cabin my secretary came inside after a knock but before he could utter any word I said "I want every detail of Karan Kapoor recorded" I felt my secretary stiffen at this before he walked to my desk

"Miss Malhotra, we are trying our best to locate him. But he is too good at hiding it. Also if we have Samarth in our favour he would surely expose Karan as well" he said calmly as he handed me a glass of water and indicated me on the chair.

I sat down and chugged down the whole glass of water "Vinay Batra" I called him out as I looked at him "We will use Arushi as our pawn now, Karan Kapoor will come running behind on his own" I said as I stared at him who frowned but after connecting the dots he understood what I meant "So according to you Arushi's current boyfriend is Karan Kapoor? Wow, she made our work easy, so are we keeping her as a hostage for longer then?" I nodded at him as he sighed looking impressed

"But Miss.Malhotra I don't know how you relocated Arushi and Samarth from Jodhpur to Udaipur?" he asked as I smiled at him more like a smirk, leaning back against the chair I say.

"There was an Animal care centre truck taking an injured Crocodile after recovering him in Jodhpur back to Udaipur's zoo. So I put Arushi in the same truck as the crocodile The difference was just, that the crocodile was inside the cage and she was out" I said as Vinay looked at me shocked he asked before gulping "Is that the reason she was shivering when she came here in the basement?" I chuckled, nodding "And Samarth? Did you put him in the truck too?" I shook my head at his question "There's no way I would let Samarth and Arushi be together in the same room" I said as crossed my hands over my chest

"I made him unconscious and put him in a jute sack with other potato sacks on the train with a dealer who is also my man, he lives in the outskirts village at Jodhpur His mother and siblings have a huge field of Vegetables that they grow and sell later in cities and he weekly travels to Udaipur with a huge amount of vegetables to sell out in the market" I looked at Vinay who was looking astonished and shocked at the same time. "Maate, aapke charan kaha hai mate?" he says in a dramatic tone joining his hands and bowing 90 degrees, Why do all dramatic creatures with me? I sighed mentally.

(Mother, where are your feet mother?)

I crossed my legs over one another and put them in front of him as he gazed at me and tried touching my feet, I laughed pulling my feet behind as he smiled.

"Yeah, one more thing. I want to have the information about Arushi's late brother and niece" I asked Vinay who frowned at me.

"Miss.Malhotra, when I did the background check on her I didn't find any of her siblings. She was a single child of her late parents who died in an accident" He completed, making me frown, So she lied to me.

"But there is one odd thing I found about her, a few months ago she adopted a small 10-year-old girl from an Orphanage" I looked at him surprised, so she adopted a girl just to threaten us.

"You may leave now, but do get the information on that little girl," I say to him as he nods and continued

"Anyways, Today Mr.Singhania will come to your office. He wants to have a meeting with you about the hospital project" Vinay looked at the schedule before speaking "When?" I asked as he handed me some files. "After lunchtime," he answered.

"But his schedule was packed for today," I said looking at him confused. "I don't know about that Miss. Malhotra, Mr.Singhania himself called me before you came into the office," Vinay said but he frowned at me before asking "But how did you know about his schedule, isn't that with his secretary?" Vinay asked again as I bit my tongue, I asked about his schedule in the morning from Kavya, I couldn't tell him that Kavya is Abhinav's wife before their reception "Ohh well his secretary called in the morning, I heard from that" Vinay nods slowly as he takes the files from me and leave but before he opens the door I say

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