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Y/N walks nervously into the hangar, to which there are many Cameramen and Speakermen lined up and stood in front of the large crowd is the legendary Plunger Cameraman.

"Greetings new agents, as your processors tell you I am Plunger Cameraman or Cameraman_100, I have the esteemed pleasure of welcoming you all into the ranks of the alliance!"

Cheers and claps come from the crowd before Plunger Cameraman raises his hand causing all people in the crowd to fall silent.

"Glad you are all enthusiastic but the skibidi toilets never rest and neither will we so we are getting this meeting over with as soon as possible!"

He presses a clicker switching the screen above him to display the names of all the units present in the room.

"Next to your designation is your assigned room, which you will be sharing with three other peers!" 

'Room 4, nice' Y/N thinks to himself, he scans the board once more spotting 3 other units with the same room code.

Y/N suddenly feels a hand on his shoulder followed by a cloud of black smoke "Nice to meet you, roomie."

The reversed, calm yet slightly intimidating voice of TV Man_22 is immediately recognised sending shivers down his spine.

"U-uh hi, TV Man_22" Y/N turns to face him and stretches out a hand which he is quick to take and shake with enthusiasm.

"No need to be nervous friend, I am so happy to be sharing this experience with others" a large :D emoticon is displayed on TV Man_22's screen.

"Yeah same I-I guess." Y/N replies hesitantly, not exactly sure if fighting in a war is cause for excitement.

"Well we have two other squad members to wait for and I am SO EXCITED!" TV Man_22 yells happily, Y/N is slightly confused by his joyous behaviour often times the TV race are cold and calculated.

But TV Man_22 is the complete opposite?

But Y/N's train of thought is cut off by the sudden introduction of 'Kate Bush - 'Running Up That Hill'.

Both units turn to see the well-dressed Speakerwoman approach, her dance moves being in sync and fitting to her song.

 Speakerwoman comes to a halt and says kindly, "Hey didn't see you guys there! Nice to meet y'all!" her voice is the sweetest thing the boys had ever heard.

"N-nice to m-meet you too ma'am, I'm Speakerman_69 but you can call me Y/N" he once again puts his hand out for another handshake which she takes with glee.

"Nice to meet you Y/N, I'm sure we'll have a great time together", Y/N gives an affirmative nod in response "Who's your friend here?"

"TV Man_22 at your service" his voice had become assertive more similar to other TV men, he had one hand behind his back and the other outstretched for a handshake.

Speakerwoman laughs slightly, "No need for all the dramatics, we are equals" she tilts her head and takes TV man's hand.

TV Man's posture slumps and he let's out a pained sound "I'm sorry, just wasn't expecting you", Speakerwoman laughs and pats his back.

"It's fine, come on let's head to our room!" she turns up her music and skips away, TV Man_22 is quick to follow and Y/N follows behind slightly hesitant.

"So...what about the final member of our squad?" Y/N asks Speakerwoman, she keeps on skipping but turns down her music to respond, "Talked to Plunger about it, said our final guy would be coming in late"

Many thoughts coursed through Y/N's circuity, but one question triumphed over the rest.

Why is this guy coming late?


After a long, dreary walk down the corridor the trio had finally reached room number 4.

Speakerwoman slowly opened the door and the way her body slumped told the other two exactly what to expect.

The room was extremely small, a trash can and sink were in the corners of the room whilst the rest was taken up by two bunk beds.

In between the beds was a small window looking off into the outside training range.

Speakerwoman is quick to collapse onto the nearest bed sighing heavily, Y/N follows and falls speaker head first onto the bed opposite while TV Man_22 drearily clambers up the ladder of Y/N's bunk and begins to enter sleep mode.

"Finally...we can just chi-" Y/N is quickly cut off by the sound of the door slamming open causing everyone to quickly bolt awake to see who is responsible for the intrusion.

"Whatchu saying?", stood in the doorway is an irregularly dressed Cameraman, he still retained the classic tie and dress shirt but lacked a blazer instead wearing a black puffer jacket.

"Nothing much, you?" Y/N is quick to respond before quickly slumping down onto the bed once more.

"Same, I'm Cameraman_369 by the way" he grabs the side bar of the remaining bed and swiftly swings himself up and getting into a relaxed, comfortable position.

"Who are the rest of you lot then?" he asks, looking over and at TV Man_22 and Speakerwoman expectantly.

"Speakerwoman, glad you finally made it" she said casually still lounging around on her bed.

Cameraman_369 scoffs, "I got more important places to be" this statement gets a chuckle from Speakerwoman causing Y/N to be curious if these two have prior history.

"I-I'm TV Man_22" he says reaching a hand across to the other side intent on a handshake, only for Cameraman_369 to deny it and say "No handshakes. Dap me up bro." 

The pair swing their hands back only for them to collide in epic fashion, the sound forming a feeling of ecstasy in everyone present especially Cameraman_369 and TV Man_22 who give each other an affirmative nod.

"Well glad to meet you all because from now on I'll be the leader of Charlie Squad!" Cameraman_369 announced proudly, swinging from the top bunk and standing firmly at the entrance.

Speakerwoman rolls her eyes, TV Man_22 looks dumbfounded and Y/N asks the obvious question "What makes you our leader?"

Cameraman_369 snaps his camera onto him menacingly "You know who my dad is?"

Y/N shakes his head and a soft 'here we go again' is heard from Speakerwoman.

"You may have heard of him..." he pauses for dramatic effect, "Plunger Cameraman."

----------MEET CHARLIE SQUAD----------

Y/N / Speakerman_69

Appearance: Black Speaker with Dark Blue surround,cone and dustcap, Black shirt and blazer, Blue tie, Black trousers and black shoes with blue laces.


Appearance: Same as canon design but doesn't carry around her backpack as often.

TV Man_22

Appearance: Same as a regular TV man other than having a white shirt and his trench coat is partly open.


Appearance: Pure Black Camera, Dark Blue Light, Light and Dark Blue striped tie, Black Puffer Jacket or Hoodie (depends on his mood), Dark Grey Shirt, Dark Grey Trousers and Black Shoes with Dark Blue soles.

🎵❤ Careless Whisper 🎵❤ - Speakerwoman x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now