Introductions Part 2

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"WHAT!" Y/N and TV Man_22 yell in unison stunned by the revelation of THE Plunger Cameraman being the father of one of their squad members.

"And? My dad is Titan Speakerman who's a higher rank than Cameraman_100." Speakerwoman said, causing Y/N and TV Man_22 to turn slowly and scream at the top of their volume in absolute shock.

Cameraman_369 picks up a pair of headphones and responds to Speakerwoman, "Didn't know you'd bring that up so casually, especially to the commoners" , he ends his sentence with spite and getting a glare from the others.

"Just because you've got privileges of being the son of Camera_100 doesn't make you any more or less then Y/N and TV_22!" Speakerwoman yells standing up to her full height, being slightly taller than Cam_369.

He stares defiantly at her for a brief second before letting out a defeated sigh and turning to face Y/N and TV_22 "Sorry lads, you two are actually quite cool", Y/N gives an appreciative nod and TV_22 displays a :3 face.

"Anyway I'm absolutely knackered, I'm heading to bed.", he walks up the ladder and is quick to enter sleep mode and everyone else is quick to follow.

"Told you I was the leader" he says cheekily getting a quiet 'shut up' from Speakerwoman.


Y/N's built in alarm clock rings loudly causing him to abruptly awake and clonk his head on the bed above him, consequently awakening everyone else.

"What was that sound?" Speakerwoman questions sleepily, Y/N scratches the back of his head slightly flustered at the fact he awakened everyone else.

"Dumb ass over there hit his head on TV's bed and woke us up." replied Cameraman_369 slowly making his way down the ladder and making his way to the door, "Anyway were late for lunch, y'all coming or what?"

Speakerwoman rises from her bed, stretches, grabs her backpack and then walks over to Y/N's bed "Well, you coming?" she puts out her hands which he is quick to take, stumbling out of bed and making his way toward the door with Speakerwoman.

"Y-you can let go of my hand now..." Speakerwoman says slightly flustered, Y/N looks down and becomes aware that he remained holding onto her hand.

Suddenly a click of a camera is heard followed by Cameraman_369 saying, "Aw you two are adorable.", Speakerwoman snatches her hand away and yells "S-shut up!"

Y/N's speaker was slightly hot from the interaction causing him to awkwardly stroke his arm before walking forward toward the dining hall, Cameraman_369 followed hands behind his head casually, Speakerwoman slowly skipping behind them and TV_22 groggily made his way out of the room.

Once they had arrived Charlie Squad was quick to take one of the most central tables, each table had 8 seats enough for two squads, Camera and Y/N sat opposite TV and Speakerwoman.

" mentioned Titan Speakerman was your father, what's that like?" Y/N asked slightly flustered due to the previous interaction between the two.

"Well because he goes out so often I don't get to see him very much...but he's very supportive he was the one who begged the Engineers to make me...and when I get to see him he's the happiest person ever." she tilts her head cutely before popping another slice of ham into her speaker.

"What about you 369?" TV_22 asks curiously, "What's it like being the son of a celebrity like Plunger Cameraman?"

"I...don't wanna talk about it...please" his confident personality fell at TV_22's question instilling many questions within everyone present, "I-I'm sorry, I won't ask again." TV said his voice faltering clearly apologetic and worried for their squads so-called leader.

🎵❤ Careless Whisper 🎵❤ - Speakerwoman x Male!ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ