36 | in pablos arms

Start from the beginning

„yeah and who are you?", jack raised his eyebrow.

„no one you should care about, now leave or i'll call the cops", kai came again.

„you'll regret saying that to me", jack said frustrated.

kai took jack by his arm and gave his best to drag
him out, and he did it.

i was still sitting on the floor with kiana next to me.

Kianas POV:

Why is he here, again.

why would he want to take me with him?

didn't he do enough things to me?

i was sitting on the floor in pablos arms and him stroking my hair.

„he's driving me insane", kai spoke up.

„i don't want to sound rude, but what does he think he's doing?", pablo asked confused.

„he thinks he can take kiana just like that, this man forgot what he has done", kai let out a small laugh.

„can we forget about it and eat breakfast? im starving", i tried to escape this subject.

„definitely, im hungry myself", pablo now said getting up and helping me.

we went downstairs and i sat on my main seat.

pablo brought the pancakes he made and we started to eat.

while eating kai and pablo talked about the match they'll have today evening.

i was exited to finally go to camp nou again and to see xavi after such a long time in the hospital, which was a very miserable time.

but i'll push these memories away and just think about the better ones.

after we finished i did the dishes and pablo helped me.

as a team we are better for sure.

„we have some hours left until our meeting for the match, wanna watch a movie?", pablo asked.

„yes, im down", i said smiling.

„i'll be gone for these hours, i have a meetup", kai said.

„with?", i asked curious.

„someone", he smiled bright.

„don't tell me you already found another girl", i said almost in disgust.

„no, i can relieve you with that"

„thank god", i said holding my chest.

„am i that bad?"

„when its about girls, definitely", pablo interrupted.

„i agree", i said nodding.

„oh wow", kai tried to act offended.

„yeah, no, fr where are you going?", i asked again.

„im looking for a new car because the motor from mine broke yesterday", kai rolled his eyes.

„damn", pablo answered.

„i hope you'll find a good one", pablo winked at kai.

„im the best at picking cars, trust me", kai replied proudly.

„uh, no", i laughed.

„i am, but now i really have to go", kai said stressing.

pablo and i said our byes while laughing and than kai left.

now its only me and him.

we started a movie and cuddled meanwhile watching it.

but after a time pablo got a notification on his phone and since his phone was next to me i took it to give it to him, but i saw a very strange message from a person i didn't think to ever hear about again.

why is she texting him and about what?

36. Chapter🥀

who is she?🤨

thank you for reading, i love you!


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