
The next morning Kaida's sad mood disappeared, she knew that being in a sad mood wouldn't fix anything of her past so she put those memories inside a box and closed before she stepped out of her cabin.

When she was out on deck she was surprised to see Alina. Knowing that The Darkling wouldn't allow her to get near she walked towards Sturmhond.

"Good morning, clever fox," she said, not moving her eyes from Alina and The Darkling.

"Good morning, my beautiful friend,"he said with a smile. Kaida rolled her eyes.

"What's going on there?" she asked.

"I don't have any idea," Sturmhond said, lifting his shoulders.

Kaida stayed looking at them closely and when she saw Mal she knew The Darkling was planning to do something so she decided to get near.

"What 's going on?" she asked with a frown.

"Kaida, great, you are enjoining us," The Darkling said and Kaida felt how one of The Darkling Grisha got behind her. "What I was saying. I want you to track the sea whip," he said looking at Mal. Kaida's eyes flew open.

"What?!" she asked in surprise.

"It's a myth," Mal said.

"Like the Stag?" he asked, arching a brow. Kaida looked at Mal and Alina who were exchanging a glaze.

"I wouldn't even know where to start." Mal said, looking at the ocean.

"For her sake, I hope that's not true." The Darkling pulled a slender knife from the folds of his kefta. "Because every day we don't find the sea whip, I'll peel away a piece of her skin. Slowly. Then Ivan will heal her, and the next day, we'll do it all over again."

Kaida looked at him with horror. "Are you insane?! You can't do that,"

"Of course I can, and I will," he said looking at Kaida.

"You won't hurt her," Mal said but Kaida could hear and feel his fear. She actually didn't know if he would really do it.

"I don't want to hurt her," said the Darkling. "I want you to do as I ask."

"It took me months to find the stag," Mal said, desperate in his voice. "I still don't know how we did it."

Sturmhond stepped forwards. "I won't have a girl torture on my ship," he said.

The Darkling turned his cold gaze on the privateer. "You work for me, Sturmhond. You'll do your job or getting paid will be the least of your worries."

An ugly ripple of disquiet passed over the ship and Sturmhond's crew turned to see the Grisha with not very friendly expressions.

"Give the tracker some time," Sturmhond said quietly. "A week. At least a few days,"

Kaida saw The Darkling slid his fingers up Alina 's arm. "Shall I start with her arm?" He dropped Alina's sleeve and moved his fingers towards Alina's face. " Or with her face?" he nodded to Ivan, "Hold her,"

"Wait! No! No! No!" Kaida screamed. The Darkling stopped and looked at her. "Don't hurt her. Tourter me,"

"What?" Sturmhond snapped his head towards Kaida, not believing what he just had heard.

"Don't hurt her, torture me," Kaida said locking eyes with The Darkling.

"My sweet Kaida, you know I will never hurt you," he said looking at her with pride.

"I won't let you hurt her," Kaida said, summoning her purple mist.

"Hold her," The Grisha that was behind her grabbed her arms, not allowing her to move her hands and summon her small science.

Sea Shadow (General Kirigan & Nikolai Lantsov)Where stories live. Discover now