Villainous recruitment, worrying revelations, and a day at the mall

Start from the beginning

"Names Dabi, I make flames". Dabi dates as his hands bursts into brilliant cerulean flames.

"I'm Magnae sweetie pie, I control magnetism, and despite my appearance I'm a woman". Magnae states, informing the others of her quirk and pronouns whilst sending Bakugo an air kiss which sent a shiver up his spine.

"Hi again, I'm Himiko Toga, I can disguise myself as anyone who's blood I brink. Can I drink some of your blood"? Himiko states, asking if she could sip Bakugo.

"Hi I'm Twice/My name is none of your business. My quirk lets me clone people if I know their measurements/You can pry my quirk information from my cold dead hands. I refuse to clone my self however due to personal reasons/I'll gut you if you ask me to clone myself". Twice explains? As his D.I.D causes him to say the opposite of everything he says.

"I'm Kurogiri. You already know my capabilities. Also, according to Giran, we'll be getting more recruits later on, their just running a little late is all". Kurogiri states, as he cleans a glass.

"Ok. I can work with this. Hey misty, did the old boss have a plan or was he just whining day in day out"? Bakugo asks Kurogiri.

"He planned on using a tracking device implanted on our spy in UA to attack their training camp in a few days. Though he didn't get very far in the planning". Kurogiri states, surprising Bakugo.

"Theirs a spy in UA? Ha! That's priceless. Anyhow, I think that's a good place to start. An attack on a remote location where they'll have no backup, be exhausted from training, and we'll have the element of surprise. I can work with this, does the boss have any NOMU available"? Bakugo mulls over the details of a potential plan before asking if the league had access to any NOMU.

"According to master, we currently have one in storage". Kurogiri replies, causing Bakugo to grin.

"Perfect, I've got a plan. Any of you guys wanna kills some losers with me"? Bakugo's asks the others, knowing full well what's their answers will be.

"I'm in, this'll be fun". Dabi replies, with a sadistic grin.

"So much blood to drink, I can be all of them, I'm in". Toga replies with a feral look on her face.

"Do you even need to ask"? Magnae replies with a cruel smile.

"I'm in/Count me out". Twice replies.

"Yes! With these losers backing me up I can get revenge on those pathetic assholes who expelled me for no reason. And Deku, oh I'm going to relish killing you and your worthless friends"! Bakugo thought to himself, imagining all the ways to kill the quirkless young man.

"So, new boss man, what's the plan"? Dabi asks.

"It's...". Bakugo began to reply before he was interrupted.

"THE FUCK TO YOU MEAN 'NEW BOSS MAN', EXPLAIN"?! Came a voice from the door, it was Tomura, back from his walk.

"Exactly what is just said. It means somebody this guy took over your position." Dabi states, playing with the glass in his hand as he leaned on the bar.

"Eh"! Tomura croaks out, before finally recognising Bakugo.

"Wait a minute, aren't you one of those UA students from the time we tried invaded the USJ to kill All Might? Yeah, I saw you at the sports festival, though I can't remember you at the USJ. Why the hell are you here"? Tomura asks Bakugo angrily.

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