11 years of happiness and strife

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Hello this is part 2 of my first fanfic the intervening 11 years of the trios lives as they go from clever 6 year olds to genius 17-18 year olds and various anecdotes along the way.


Over the years the trio of friends had become very close to one another and learnt much about each other. For one thing when Mei learnt her new friends were quirkless she seemed genuinely confused on why she should care about someone's quirk over who they are, Izuku and Melissa saved her and understood her so they where her friends simple as that, Melissa was happy and Izuku once again cried at having a friend who didn't care about his quirkless status. They all also shared a dream, to get into UA university as double majors for the hero course and the support course, convincing Mei to be a hero was a difficult task but Izuku and Melissa succeeded and thus they all vowed to get into UA and prove to the world that science and technology would no longer simply support quirks but compete with and surpass them.

Furthermore, as time went on they continued to grow intellectually as well, it turned out that the reason Mei's teachers thought she needed therapy was because they all thought she was either autistic or had ADHD when in reality none of her primary school subjects never challenged her in any way so she never bothered with them and simply tinkered with her babies, when that was discovered Mei's parents pulled her out of that lazy and dismissive school and asked David if he could tutor Mei and nurture her intelligence and proficiency with technology. So now David tutored all three little geniuses and discovered by age 7 each of their aptitudes, Izuku was most interested in physics, chemistry, and quirk sciences, Melissa was most enthusiastic about cybernetics and nanotechnology combined with biology, lastly Mei loved mechanics, computer science, and the human brain. David tailored lessons to ensure each of his students was challenged which led to him to using highschool level courses and by age 8 they all had a highschool level education so David eventually left them to their own devices.

Said 'devices' where however creating inventions that even David thought where impossible. First off Izuku began looking into how certain quirks worked so he and Melissa built an energy scanning device with some of David's resources and determined that Inko's quirk 'Attraction of small objects" wasn't telekinesis but was gravitational in nature which they learned when Inko gave of gravitational energy when she used her quirk, with this information the trio built a device capable of mimicking the quirks effects. The result was a skeletal gauntlet that allowed its user to manipulate gravity in a radius of 6 meters which they dubbed the 'Gyrokinesis module' it essentially replicated short range telekinesis using gravity however it required a lot of energy to consistently use, a problem Izuku immediately started looking into inspired by a certain genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist in a robot suit.

Secondly, Mei had been looking into metallurgy to increase the durability of her babies and AI to run them, through her efforts with Melissa's help she create a basic AI by age 9 and a DNA AI, based on all their minds combined, by age 11 they dubbed Mei-day in Mei's honour and with Izuku's help Mei create a super-durable weighty alloy using Mei's knowledge of metals using in technology and Izuku's chemistry knowledge which they dub Adamantium after the metal from Marvel Comics as its immense durability was reminiscent of the metal they made, and thoughts about its uses as they looked at comics depicting a green clad dictator and purple helmet wearing conqueror.

Finally, Melissa started looking into combining nanotechnology with cybernetics in order to avoid tissue rejection by using bio-tech, which came in handy by age 12, when she was attacked by fanatical MLA goons who wanted to exterminate quirkless using I-island tech so they kidnapped her and held her for ransom to get Davids tech, naturally he called on his old friend All Might who torn into the villains base and beat them senseless only to find Melissa without her limbs and malnourished they have removed her limbs to prevent her escape and let them rot so they couldn't be reattached. After the rescue she was taken to I-island hospital and using the blueprints she'd been working on for 4 years attached proprietary cybernetic limbs to her body but they required recharging every 10 hours and had to be replaced in order to match her bodies growth, the trauma left her mute and with nightmares for a whole year before Izuku and Mei helped her open up, they all shared a big hug and cry as Melissa vented about her pain.

Afterwards, they all knuckled down together to create technology to ensure they all could become heroes and help those who needed it to this end they all threw themselves into the sciences and made breakthroughs. Izuku cracked the secrets of arc fusion energy and built a reactor that could sit in the palm of his hand which generated 3.3 megawatt hours, he used palladium he requested from David and he improved upon his gyrokinesis module. Melissa started diving into nanotechnology and bioengineering and create two revolutionary innovations, first was a nanotech breeder which was a device that had an initial 100 nanobots inside and between them create millions more, the next was a bioengineered virus that could heal and improve the human body which she dubbed 'extremis'. Lastly Mei developed her DNA AI to be neurokinetic and respond to her thoughts and making her new alloy lighter by making a layered weave of it.

However, the most significant development they made was one, or should I say three, we're the designs for their battle suits, each one integrating technologies from all three of them.

———6 years later———

All three of them look up at the illustrious gates to UA university.

"Here we go" they said under their breathe.


Published: 20/5/2023

Metal Soul, Heroes Heart, and Dirty Hands {on hiatus}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang