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"whos banging on the door" i asked isiah, "check u dont know" he shrugged, i walked over to the window and lifted the blinds up, i saw two cops standing there, one female one male.

"cops" i said to isiah, "do i answer?" i asked, "no dumbass why would you answer?" he scoffed. "bro if i dont there going to think im hiding shit" i explained, "answer then, im not gonna bail you out just so you know" he shrugged.

i opened the door and was greeted from the two cops, "uh you guys wanna come in" i asked nervously, "no we're just here to ask you a few questions" the female cop said, pulling out a pen and a notepad from her pocket.

"do you know anyone named andrew perez" the male cop asked, "no?" i said confused, "have you seen him anywhere" he said pulling out a picture of the guy.

i looked closes and saw it was nariyas dad, but i wasnt 100% sure, "isiah do you know him?" i asked him, he came over and took one look at the photo and his facial expression changed, "no" he simply said and walked off.

"yeah we dont know him" i said to the two cops in front of me, "okay thanks anyways" the female cops said.

"isiah bring your ass back down here" i yelled from downstairs, "do you know him, dont lie" i asked isiah, "you dont remember" he said shaking his head.

"what" i said confused, "you killed him" he said, "what are you talking about" — "when you shot the wrong person, it was him billie" he explained

i just stood there not knowing what to say, i ran my fingers through my hair nervously. "what are you going to say to nariya" — "im not going to tell her shit" i yelled, "calm down billie" he said trying to put his hand on my shoulder but i quickly pushed him away.

"get out bro" i shouted, he sucked his teeth and left through the back door.

"billie can i come over please" i wined, she agreed and i started to get ready, i put on some sweat pants and a oversized shirt.

"mom im going out" i said to my mom, "mia" i lied. i havent told my mom about billie cause i know that shes not going to like her, at all.

"bye ugly" i said bending down and pinching destinys rosey cheeks, "byebye" she giggled.

i parked my car in billies driveway because there was literally no where to park, and isiahs car wasnt in the driveway for some reason.

i knocked on the door and billie appeared with a smile on her face, "hey mama" she said pulling me in for a hug.

we both walked upstairs to her room, and i sat down on the edge of the bed.

"wheres isiah" i asked playing with the strings on my sweatpants, "he left to take care of some shit" — "oh" i responded.

she walked closer to me, now she's standing between my legs, she bent down and gave me a long kiss, "i love you" she said, "i love you more" i smiled.

"you'll still love me no matter what happens, or what i do right?" she said licking her lips, i nodded in agreement.

"lets go out somewhere" she said, and i got up and followed her out the door.

billies being mad weird today, somethings just off about her but i cant figure out what.

her left hand was on the steering wheel and her right hand was on my thigh. i was staring at her side profile the whole entire time, shes so perfect.

"billie can i tell you something, but promise not to get mad" i said, "okay" she chuckled, "i made it into a school in LA" i said nervously, "your going to leave me" she said, "no i can still visit billie" i said, trying to lighten up the situation.

"no your not going" she said sternly, "what" i chuckled thinking she was joking around with me.

"you can stay with me" she said in almost in a scary way, i didnt give her a response and just sat there.

"dairy queen?" i said confused, "what you dont like ice cream" she laughed, "i didnt think we were getting ice cream"

she held my hands while we walked out to the dairy queen.

"what do you want" she asked me, "cookies and cream" i said pointing at the cookies and cream ice cream, "ill get the same thing" billie said to the cashier lady, "that'd be 5.56$, do you want to donate 10 dollars to-" — "no" billie said cutting off the lady, i looked at her in shock.

"what" she asked, "you didnt even let her finish her sentence!" — "nobody wants to donate to homeless kids" she chuckled.

we sat down at a table and started eating our ice cream.

"whats your last name" she asked, "perez" i said licking my ice cream, "when we get married u wanna take my last name ms. o'connell" i giggled, "chill on my name" she rolled her eyes.

billie reached her hand out for mine, i placed my hand on top of hers "your the best thing that has ever happened to me" she smiled and i blushed.

"why are you being so nice today" i asked her and she just shrugged.

we were about to leave when two cops came in, i looked over at billie and saw her visibly tense, suddenly the cop came and told her to stand up.

"she didnt do anything" i protested, "she killed your father", my heart dropped i looked at billie and she didnt say a word, suddenly she gets up and pulls out a gun and points it at the officers.

"put that down, your only making things harder for yourself" one of the cops said, suddenly she pulled the trigger, the cop fell on the ground with a puddle of blood under him, "listen i-" before the other cop can say anything she shot her.

there was police sirens in the distance, the cashier lady had called the police, billie rushed over to me and wiped my tears away, "im sorry mama" she sniffled, i didnt say anything because i was still shocked on how everything escalated so quickly.

"we have to go" she said grabbing my arm but i didnt move, "no billie" i shook my head, "what" she said, "you said you'd love me no matter what" she said, her face not as sweet and welcoming as it was before.

"i dont love you billie" i wiped my tears, "fuck you mean you dont love me?" she started shouting loudly, "im sorry" i said, "no fuck you nari, i did everything for you and you treat me like shit" she yelled in my face, her face red like a tomato.

the cop sirens were getting louder, billie then raised the gun at my face, "billie what are you doing-" i said starting to panic.

suddenly i heard a loud gunshot, my vision went blurry and i felt weak, the sirens were now muffled.

A/N: mb if this book was rushed i js rlly wanted to finish it 😭

anywayy excuse any typos !!

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