Beomkai- Land and Sea

Beginne am Anfang

"You saved me?"

"I had to. You were dying. You humans are kinda weak. I'm sorry I couldn't save your family though."

Beomgyu started to cry. Kai confirmed what he was thinking. That his family was dead and he was the only survivor.

Kai held him tightly.

This was all his dad's fault. He wasn't the kindest person in the world. His older sister brought home someone she knew he wouldn't approve of. Someone certainly not fit for a princess. He threw a fit which caused the storm. His dad was king of Atlantis. Kai was the prince. He swam away to get away from all of the fighting at the castle. That's when he saw Beomgyu drowning. By the time he went back to save the rest of his family, it was too late.

Kai pulled his head away to face Beomgyu. His arms were still holding his waist. "Where are you from? I can take you home."

"Manhattan, New York." Beomgyu wiped his eyes then stared hard at Kai. "What did you mean by humans being weak?"

"I'm a prince in the ocean. Think Aquaman but without the ridiculous title. I'm Atlantian."

The most unbelievable explanation can be the most realistic. Beomgyu's eyes kept examining Kai up and down. He should've died with his family. There weren't any other boats around who could've saved him. He took Kai's word for it because he would go insane if he didn't. "Why aren't you supposed to be here? Does he not like humans or something?"

"Do you blame him? I mean, my home is polluted to hell because of you guys. I'm supposed to be in training to replace him as King. I don't want to be King. My older sister would make a better leader than me anyways."

"Do you hate humans?"

Kai held him tighter. He gently brushed some sand off of the back of Beomgyu's neck while he smiled to himself. "No. You guys aren't that different than us. Just a little weaker." Once the sand was off, he closed his eyes. After a minute, the ocean seemed to rumble in the distance. A pack of orcas could be heard from miles away. Kai opened his eyes. "Your ride will be here soon. I'm glad you're okay. It was nice meeting you Beomgyu." He started to stand up to greet his pod.

Beomgyu pulled him back down onto the sand. "Wait! You're not coming with me?"

"You're really cute. It's your home. Not mine."

"At least escort me to land! What if they eat me?!"

Kai was offended. "My friends wouldn't eat you! I raised one of them!"

"Listen. I don't have any family left. At least any that I care about. I could stay with my friends but I don't want to burden their families with my living expenses. You said you don't want to be king. Live with me! It'll be perfect!"

"You realize I'm only rich underwater right? I have nothing on land."

Beomgyu pleaded with his eyes. He really didn't want to let him go. Kai saved his life. He felt as if he owed him and this would be the perfect way to pay him back. "I'm rich. My family has always been rich. Their money will go to me. I can take care of us. Please?"

The orcas arrived a mile away from the shore. Their calls created a vibrant ocean song as they waited for the two to join them. Kai pointed to the second biggest one. She was the closest to shore in the pod. "She's mine. We're the same age. I raised her while I was growing up myself."

"How old are you? I'm 22."

"21." Kai continued to stare out to sea. "My dad will kill me if I join you."

Beomgyu excitedly turned his head to gaze at Kai. "Does that mean you're coming?!"

"Sure. Why not? If I end up hating it, I can just go back."

"You won't hate it! You'll be with me!"

"You realize no one will believe you if you tell people who I am right?'

"I don't want people to know."

Kai looked at him puzzled. "Really? Why's that?"

"I'm already going to be coming home to a hoard of attention from my parents dying. I don't need more. You saved my life. No one needs to know how. I just want to grieve my family in peace."

Kai knelt down. "Hop on. I'll show you how we swim in Atlantis."

Beomgyu climbed on his back. He held on extremely tightly in anticipation. His head peaked over Kai's shoulder. He saw them descend into the water. Once it reached the taller's shoulders, they took off like a jetpack. His arms wrapped around Kai's neck even tighter. He started screaming in his ear which caused Kai to laugh.

They arrived at the pod of orcas. Beomgyu was placed on top of the biggest one. The texture of it's back felt smooth and rubbery. Never in a million years did he think he would be having this experience. While he hugged the orca's back, he looked over to see Kai playing with the female he mentioned earlier. She squeeled and clicked in happiness. Her head bobbed up and down. She threw her head back when Kai did from laughing. A little baby pulled up to her side. Beomgyu gasped at the sight.

Kai looked over to the human. He radiated joy as he climbed onto the same orca as him. "Their pod has been gone for a while. I didn't even know she was pregnant! Bella and a baby. The baby's name is Noah."

"Who am I sitting on?"

"Noah's dad! His name is David. He's a pretty steady swimmer so I don't think you'll slide around too much. I'll be here to catch you if you do though!"

Beomgyu didn't like the idea of sliding off of a whale. Last time he fell off of something at sea, he almost drowned. "Ride with me?"

"Sure." Kai sat behind him then squeezed his waist tightly. Despite the coldness of the ocean, Beomgyu remained really warm to the touch. Kai loved hugging him. "Are you ready? It's only an hour away."

"I'm ready."

Just like that, the orcas began to glide through the ocean. They communicated to each other through song. Their melody masqued the cries of seagulls overhead. Mist was disrupting the view that Beomgyu was trying to enjoy. The salt water begun to sting his eyes.

Kai noticed him constantly rubbing them. He moved his lips to his ear and asked "do you trust me?"

Beomgyu turned his head and accidentally kissed him. He pulled away in a panic. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!"

Kai decided to pretend it didn't happen. "Do you trust me?"

"I guess?"


Beomgyu felt himself thrown into the air like a ragdoll. Kai caught him with one hand and slammed him back down behind him. The orca didn't even respond to the impact. Beomgyu gripped Kai's waist tightly when he began to slip backwards. "Why did you do that!?"

Kai turned his head. They accidentally kissed again. He wasn't expecting Beomgyu's face so close to his. This kiss neither of them apologized for. Blush rose to his cheeks as his ears turned red. "The water was bothering you. You can use my back as a shield."

"Thank you..." There was so many questions that Beomgyu wanted to ask. He wanted to wait until they reached his house. The anticipation was killing him as he saw the New York skyline pull into view.

The two were dropped off a few miles from shore. Kai carried Beomgyu the rest of the way there. He was nervous as he stepped foot on land. This visit wasn't temporary. It was permanent. Nerves were getting to him as he brushed his wavy bangs away from his eyes.

Beomgyu walked forward. He stopped when he realized Kai wasn't behind him. "What's wrong?"

"I'm scared. I'm a nobody here. I don't know what to do. I don't know where to start."

Beomgyu offered his hand. He felt the same way. He didn't know how the hell to move forward without his family. He was terrified too but didn't want to show it. Beomgyu feigned a smile as he asked "do you trust me?"

Kai's grin returned as he took his hand. "I guess."

Short Stories- Kai ships only!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt