
Start from the beginning

On-jo walked to Cheong-san who was still holding the stand. "that's enough. She would have turned by now. She was bitten by Gwi-nam, so she should be fine."
"He was bitten by zombies."
"Su-hyeok said he wasn't."
Cheong-san looked at her. "I saw it with my own eyes. Y/n saw it too."
"Su-hyeok has no reason to lie."
"And you're saying me and Y/n do? I know you like him, but this is a little more important, don't you think?" He glanced at me and then back at Nam-ra. I was now leaning with my side against the window. I was staring out it with my side forehead on the window as well.

"Why do you bring that up?"
Cheong-san looked at her and then glanced at me. It was like he was trying to give on-jo a hint. "Because you always take his side and there are others here who might also like him and be hurting. At least they don't let their emotions take over." Cheong-san looked back at Nam-ra with a straight face.
On-jo looked at me and it was like something clicked in her brain.

She wasn't the only one to like Su-hyeok. She wasn't the only one hurt by Su-hyeok defending Nam-ra.

Cheong-san did really care about her and in that moment it all became clear to her. She didn't really like su-hyeok; just the idea of him. But Cheong-san, who was always there for her. She liked that instead.

Nam-ra was looking at Su-hyeoks neck. He said something and she went to grab him.
"Su-hyeok!" Cheong-san yelled, pulling the music stand up and hitting su-hyeoks back with it. He had moved in front of Nam-ra to protect her. I had stood up and watched them, my arms were crossed and my jaw was clenched still.
"Get out if the way!"
"Stop it!"
"Get back now!"
Su-hyeok grabbed Cheong-san by his shirt and pushed him so he was laying on the table. Su-hyeok had his fist above his head. "I said stop it!"
"Stupid asshole!" Cheong-san punched Su-hyeok, causing him to let go of cheong-san and falling to the floor. Cheong-san got up and jumped onto his back. Joon-yeong ran to one of the doors and held it shut. Dae-su grabbed Su-hyeok and held him back from Cheong-san. He grabbed a video stand and walked to Nam-ra, who was now on the floor. Su-hyeok got out of Dae-su's grip and wraped his arms around Cheong-san, holding him back.
"Stop it!" On-jo stood in front of Nam-ra. "Are you blind? Look at her. She would have blood on her mouth if she bit him!"
"And he would have teeth gashes on his neck, but he doesn't." I spoke up. "Does he?" I walked next to On-jo with my arms still crossed.
"It's true, he doesn't have a wound." Dae-su spoke. Su-hyeok looking back at him.
"But if Gwi-nam bit her-"
"She's still fine, which means you'll be fine too." On-jo interrupts. "Come on, put it down." her eyes dart to the video stand he was holding. "Stop being so stubborn!"
"Let go. I said I got it, let go." Cheong-san tries to push Su-hyeok off him. "Fuck."
Su-hyeok lets go.
"Why won't you drop that?" On-jo looks at Cheong-san.
"that's my business."
Su-hyeok rubs his neck and looks at me. I couldn't bare to look at him, not right now. On-jo turns around and walks to Nam-ra. She couches down and grabs nam-ra's arm. "Are you okay?"
Nam-ra didn't say a thing, just looked up at on-jo with a nod.
"She seems fine to me." Wu-jin slowly lets out.
"She would have definitely turned by now." Joon-yeong said, still holding the door closed.

"No, i'm not okay. I wanted to bite Su-hyeok."
"No, thats not true." Su-hyeok looks around and then back at her. "Stop saying that."
"I really did. I wanted to bite him."
"What do you mean by that?" Cheong-san took a step closer to her.
"i mean, i wanted to bite him. Someone crossed my mind and brought me back." Nam-ra glanced at me and then looked back down. "i shouldn't stay with you any longer. if i hadn't come to my senses then i would have bitten him."
"hey, stop that. whats wrong with you?" Su-hyeok let out.
"i'll go."
"please wait." On-jo turned to look at cheong-san and i. "you saw Gwi-nam get bitten by zombies?"
"we have told you a hundred times, yes." I said a bit annoyed.
"and you saw gwi-nam turn?"
"no. we didn't."
"we didn't really want to stick around for that part, you know since there are zombies everywhere." i said sarcastically.
"we were busy running away." Cheong-san added.
On-jo looked at Su-hyeok, "Su-hyeok, you definitely fought Gwi-nam?"
"yes, i did."
"there is no reason for either to lie. maybe Gwi-nam was bitten, but wasn't effected. in the movies there are always people who are immune, remember?"
"this isn't a movie, On-jo. are you trying to say that this virus somehow mutated and adapted to the human consciousness?" i tilted my head a bit. On-jo slowly nodded, "if that is asking if Gwi-nam is immune, then yes, that is what im saying."
"either way, she tried to bit him. she isn't normal. im not going with her or anywhere around her." Ji-min spoke up.
"Ji-min, stop it."
"what are you saying im wrong?"
"maybe." On-jo looked down and mumbled the words. "i really don't know what we should do."
"we can't pretend shes fine."
"enough." Nam-ra intervened. "please don't fight. Me leaving would solve everything." Nam-ra tried to walk out the door again but this time i grabbed her wrist. She tried to pull away but i didn't let go.
"Stop it. i don't want anyone else dying. not when i can stop it. not this time." I look up at her. a small smile appeared on Nam-ras face but quickly faded.

I let go of Nam-ras arm and back up a couple steps. On-jo grabbed her hand. "I-sak and Hyeong-ju's hands were very cold before they turned." on-jo slowly turns to face everyone else, "Nam-ras hands are warm. she isnt a zombie, so cut it out and lets figure out how to get to the roof!"
"no way." Ji-min stated, a hint of fear in her voice.
"no way! she may be okay now but who knows what she can do when she turns? guys, say something. this is wrong. she said herself that she wanted to bite him! she has zombie blood in her veins. Zombies killed my mom and dad. my mom..."
"enough, alright? we all lost people too Ji-min! this whole fucking thing isn't about you, Nam-ra didn't bite him, right? she hasn't turned so far, right? so shut it." I glare at Ji-min, annoyance in my voice.

Su-hyeok walked past nam-ra and on-jo and grabbed some clothe that was on the floor. he walked to nam-ra. "hey." He wrapped it around nam-ras wrist and then his own.
"stop it. stop it!" Nam-ra tried to get him to stop, but he just grabbed her wrist. "hold still."
I watched them and my arms slowly drop to my sides, glaring down at the floor.

"happy? this way she can't get to you if she turns. ill get bitten instead." He was looking around the room.

╰┈➤ 𝙀𝙣𝙙 𝙢𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙖𝙜𝙚 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙧 'ˎ˗
✎ ji-min always annoyed me tbh 😕

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