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I quickly look over at Nam-ra's arm. the sleeve had a hole in it with teeth marks showing.
"thats a bite mark, isnt it?" Hyo-ryung was slowly backing up. everyones breathing hitched as they got up and stared at Nam-ra. She looked down at her own arm and let out a sigh. Cheong-san grabbed a music stand and walked to Nam-ra. Su-hyeok quickly got in the way.
"thats not it."
"get out of the way."
"i said thats not it, asshole. Tell them. you weren't bitten by a zombie." Su-hyeok looked at Nam-ra but she just kept quiet and looked at me. "say something... Gwi-nam, He bit her. it wasn't zombies."
I stood up straight, "who?"
"Gwi-nam, the bully." Su-hyeok looks at me. I look at him and then Cheong-san. That isn't possible. Cheong-san threw him to the zombies, we watched him get bit.

"Nam-ra, did Gwi-nam really bite you?" Cheong-son looked at her. She said nothing and kept her head down. "say it clearly."
"its true!" Su-hyeok raised his voice a bit.
"Gwi-nam was bitten by zombies." Cheong-san said.
"We both watched him get bit." I stated, glaring up at Su-hyeok.
"if you get bitten by zombies, you turn into one so if Gwi-nam bit her then-" cheong-san started but su-hyeok interrupted him.
"hes not one of them. Gwi-nam wasn't a zombie. He wasn't. he was talking to me, saying words to me. zombies don't talk." Su-hyeok looked back at Nam-ra then at me with pleading eyes. Nam-ra got up from her seat and looked over at me as well. "you sure he was bitten by zombies?"
"so i'll turn into a zombie."
"you won't." Su-hyeok was getting defensive. I sighed and leaned against the windowsill by a closed window. Nam-ra looked at Su-hyeok then back at me. She then turned to start walking out the door.
"hold on, prez." Su-hyeok said. She turned to face him then slowly turned back around to continue walking. Su-hyeok grabbed her lower arm and swung her around. "You won't." Nam-ra was trying to get him to let go. she kept glancing at me. I kept my head down and my jaw was clenched. Why did I care what he was doing? why did I care he was being so defensive to her? I know he likes her but...

Su-hyeok looked at us all; then to me. "she won't turn into one, don't you trust me?"
"its not about trust, Su-hyeok. We saw Gwi-nam get bitten. It happened after Cheong-san fought him. It's strictly fact." I stated.
"I fought him too. believe me, I know." Su-hyeok pulled Nam-ra to a window. He opened the curtains and then opened the window. He still had a grip on Nam-ra's arm. I watch as he does this and my fists clench together; the wraps not stopping my nails from digging anymore.
"You see?" Su-hyeok held up his hand that was holding Nam-ras. She just looked my way with narrowed eyebrows. I know she was trying to apologize to me. Nam-ra was the only one who figured out I had also liked Su-hyeok. She knew before I did.

"If she turns, i'll throw her out the window, so she can't attack you. So bad off." Su-hyeok said confidently.
"You shouldn't do this, Su-hyeok." Nam-ra kept her gaze on me. He looked down at her. "I owe you this, you saved me back there." His eyes glanced to me but he looked back to everyone else. Cheong-san saw my hurt which made him upset. He walked a bit closer to them with the music stand still in his hands.
"don't come closer."
"Screw you. I warned you first." He glanced to me then looked back at Su-hyeok. "Gyeong-su was enough. I wont lose anymore friends. Not over a common fact we all know."

Hearing his name again brought back pain I was holding in. Being reminded that he was gone and the friendship that could have happened, can no longer happen. It hurt.

"Get out of my way."
"I said to stop it." Su-hyeok pushed Cheong-san back. They started to fight before I spoke up. "Stop it you two! that's enough! Back off, both of you." I yell at them. They let each other go.
"If I feel strange in anyway, i'll just end it quickly." Nam-ra stated.
"Sorry but-"
"No need to be sorry, i'm actually not sorry, not at all."
"Sorry." Cheong-san said again.
"Y/n or Su-hyeok, kill me if I turn." Nam-ra got onto the windowsill and sat on it. Su-hyeok stood in front of her. He kept glancing over at me with worried eyes. He was worried he was messing up his chance with me but he wanted to repay the favor to Nam-ra; for helping him out with Gwi-nam.

Stay Quiet. 🎧  || All Of Us Are Dead.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat