i love her

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- Should I use simple words or write a poem?
should I drink wine before, to sound more open?
or be closer to their mouth to let them know it by touch?
should I eat a piece of chocolate to sound more sweet?
should i take their hand, or maybe take them somewhere far away to make it more special, more than in an ordinary place?

- no crowded places, remember that.

- Even if inside me this is so loud that i would love to scream it to everyone?
even if sometimes I feel it so bad that I barely remember how to use my mouth?
even if sometimes all my senses freeze and all I feel is my heartbeat like it was some sort of a song? even if sometimes it's freaking me out?

- make it fast

- Well, as much as I know myself, it's always fast. they do something small, or telling me words, or breathing out in a way that calms me down.

- maybe it's an obsession?

- But I like to think about it that way. I'm obsessed with that.

- should I?

- I don't know.
But I know I should tell it out loud. That I like being obsessed with that.

Being obsessed with the love for her I have inside.

Being obsessed with telling you
how much
I love you
by my whole heart.

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