Spigot successfully reached the top of the chest. It took much longer to open the chest. His system was to stick a small wooden sword that was left to the side of the box into the crevice between the lid and the box parts of the chest then climbing on top of the lid and jumping down onto the end of the sword.

It took a while.

Who knew being a stuffed animal could make you be so clumsy?

Eventually, the lid opened after an amount of tries that will not be listed here for Spigot's sake.
Inside the chest was a neatly organized collection of costumes and accessories that were all small, made for children. A few of them were overly small, as if made for a pet, or to be used as a comically small hat or prop.

The clothing was folded and the props and accessories correlating with each costume being placed on top or to the side. Most likely the work of Earth.

Spigot spotted a strange, tallish black hat with a red stripe or ribbon of sorts. It was tube like, but had a flat rim as well. The hat was placed upside down with an odd little stick inside of it. The stick's coloration was just as odd as the object itself, being black with clean white tips on either end. The set was awfully miniature, as if stolen off of a stuffed animal or doll.

Curiosity peaked, Spigot plopped himself into the chest and crawled over to the hat. Deciding to play with it, they nudged it over to the side of the chest. He grabbed the stick by making a somewhat movable dent on the bottom of his snout that he could somewhat use as a small 'mouth' and turned the hat over so it could act as a stepping stool to help the little reindeer get out of the chest.

Once back on the other side of the confines of the chest, Spigot reached his two front legs into the chest once more, taking either side of the top of the top hat and pulling it up. They dropped it a couple times but managed to get it out. Carrying it was awkward so he dropped it to the floor before climbing down the toy block stairs.

Once back on stable ground Spigot studied the magician's hat then when he was deemed it looked fun to wear, he dipped his head and stepped forwards, trying to get it on his head. It was much harder than if looked since he couldn't pick it up with his hoof and put it on his head since he couldn't angle it properly saying as he doesn't have wrists. Or hands for that matter.

Spigot's eyes narrowed with frustration and he bucked his head down and proceeded to ram his head and antlers into the hat that he had tipped on it's side so it was easier to try to put on. It eventually got caught in one of his antlers as he pushed it around, walking into the hat.

While stumbling around blindly trying to shove the hat on, Spigot bumped into the chest, startling them and making his head jolt up in surprise. Luckily for him, the top hat had gotten swooped up and stayed on his head by hanging onto one of his antlers.

Proud of himself, Spigot paraded around the room for a little bit before stumbling upon a little white box with strange curly pictures on the bigger flat sides. It was made of thin cardboard and one end of the box was open with flat, stiff pieces of smooth paper.

Spigot had found a deck of cards. He cocks his head to the side before continuously nudging it with his nose, shaking the cards out of the box. Once the cards are out he gazes down at them in thought before an idea pops into his little plush noggin. The little reindeer glanced over to the gathered stuffed animals in their little organized cubbies, making his was over to them with the deck of cards.

After preforming a number of endearing card tricks Spigot grows tired of the one-sided magic show. Though he did have lots of fun with his fellow beings of fabric and fluff, some bean or sponge. None of them seemed to share very much excitement with him. Not that it hurt his feelings.
After all, at least they were nice enough to willingly watch his tricks!


As Earth entered her room she took a quick walk around out of habit to look for anything that was out of place despite having done so just this morning. But- it seems that someone had been going through things..?

The dress up toy chest was opened and the top layers of costumes were slightly crumpled. An empty box of cards lay beside the plastic chest and further along the wall, where the stuffed animals were, some of them were moved into a small semi-circle. Sitting there with a miniature top hat and a wand in their lap, was Lunar's toy reindeer, Spigot.

It surely was a head-scratcher to figure out how everything could've been moved when Computer hadn't taken note of anyone entering or leaving the daycare in general. But the best Earth could do was brush it off as she tidied the room once more.

Finding the view of the little reindeer wearing a top hat cute, Earth took a photo of it with her optics to send to Lunar. Then she mutters a small apology to the plush as she retrieves the hat and wand from it out of habit (despite the little thing not being alive) and places them back away in the plastic chest.

Maybe it would be fun to have a little dress up game with Lunar and his little toy Spigot later, as the strange occurrence gave her the idea. It's guaranteed that it'd be quite the cute and endearing fun to have with her adopted brother.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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