Finally, when the door opened, I heard a gasp, I looked up and saw mom, she had tears in her eyes which confused me. Then out of nowhere, she hugged me and I felt tears hit my shoulder.

"Juliana, it's really you, I missed you so much baby girl, you're so beautiful"

My eyes widen at mom's words, surprisingly I felt tears in my eyes and I hugged her back with just one arm since I'm still holding my pokemon egg. After she let go, she wiped her tears away and smiled.

"Juliana, I'm so happy to have you here with me"

"Not gonna lie mom, I was upset about leaving Galar and my friends"

"I'm sure you were dear, and I know that I missed out on so much, but I want you to know that everyday I always think about you, and knowing that your at the age of traveling, I just couldn't miss that and I know your dad isn't the best role model, and I know I'm not either but I want you to know that no matter what you wanna do, I'm gonna support you" mom smiled softly.

A smile finally grew on my face.

"Thanks mom, I can't wait to start my journey with my partner once they hatch" I grinned while looking at the pokemon egg.

"I bet dear, but anyway come inside and I'll get lunch ready"

"Okay" I nodded then followed her inside.

I was amazed at how amazing the inside of mom's house looked, it was alot bigger then my old house back in Galar.

I sat down in a chair and placed my pokemon egg on the table, mom started cooking.

"So Juliana, how was your trip?"

"It was pretty good, Paldea sure is different then Galar"

Mom chuckled.

"So mom, what made you decide for me to come live with you?"

She suddenly stopped what she was doing and turned to me with a frown which confused me.

"Knowing that your about to become a pokemon trainer, and how much I missed, I felt so horrible that I had a talk with a friend of mine next door who has a daughter and they gave me some advice that it couldn't hurt to try and make up for it, even if I can't change the past, but I love you so much baby girl, I'm so sorry for not being there and I should've took you with me when me and your dad split up, I was really young at the time when we had you, so I didn't know what I was doing, I'm sorry"

More tears appeared in her eyes, seeing the sight made my heart break, I didn't realize that mom loved me so much and regretted her actions, I slowly got up and walked up to her, then wrapped my arms around her.

"Mom, it's okay, I forgive you"

I felt her wrap her arms around me, after we parted she got back to cooking and I sat back down.

After mom was done cooking, she served our plates and we began to eat.

"So Juliana, where did you get that pokemon egg?"

"Hop's brother Leon gave it to me, since I was supposed to start my journey with my friends yesterday, but since I didn't, he gave me the egg as a going away present since my friends are gonna have the Galar starters as their partners"

"Speaking of Hop, how is he and the twins doing?"

"They're good, Hop wants to defeat his big brother and be the new champion, and about Victor and Gloria, I know their doing the gym challenge to, but I don't know what their goals are"

"Well I'm sure they'll know when the time comes, and I hope you can still talk to them"

"Oh yeah, we exchanged phone numbers so I'll still be able to talk to them" I smiled big.

"That's wonderful dear"

"I just wish I can travel with them" I frowned a little.

"Cheer up dear, I'm sure you'll travel with new friends from the academy"

I was confused at what she just said.

"Academy?" I repeated in confusion.

"Oh right, I forgot to mention, I enrolled you to go to Uva Academy, I got your school uniform ready, I'll show you when we're done eating"

My eyes widen in anger, she enrolled me to go to school without my saying?

This caused me to get up and hit my fists on the table which took her by surprise.


"Juliana, Uva Academy is gonna teach you everything you need to know about traveling and search for your treasure, and the director there is really nice, I thought it would be good for you to go and make new friends"


"You'll get to go on a journey, but you need to learn about Paldea and search for your treasure first, please understand dear" mom begged while frowning.


She was about to say something, but I didn't want to hear it, so I grabbed my pokemon egg and stuff, then ran out of the house with angry tears rolling down my cheeks.


I ignored mom's call and continued on running.

A new life and new love Arven x JulianaWhere stories live. Discover now