That cold winter night

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Notes / Warnings: Medication/pills, Visit the end for additional notes bc a tiny spoiler in that

At breakfast, Theo sat with his head down the entire time. Katalina and Aprit talked. Eventually, it was time for class so the three started walking. Theo walked entered the class and Katalina and Aprit stayed outside for a moment.

"Did Theo take his medicine? He seems a bit- ya know" Kat asked.

"Hm- I don't know honestly"

"When was the last time you saw him take it hm?"

"Three weeks ago"



"You are an idiot." She sighed and sat down next to Theo.

"Alright we will read page twenty-five then you have a test" The teacher said. After twenty minutes the teacher announced the test was over and to hand your tests forward.

"Katalina would you mind waking the boys up."

"Yes sir" She nodded and woke them up. "Aprit you need to stop sleeping in class and Theo do not follow his lead! You never sleep in class Theo! What is up?"

"Just tired." Theo mumbled.

"Give me your test"

"Didn't do it"

"What? Why not!"

"Didn't want to"

"Did you take your medicine today?"



"It's what is making me sick."

"No, it isn't Theo."

"Yes, it is."

"No, it- Ugh never mind!" She said and walked away. Theo stood up and walked to his next class. Once lunch rolled around it was quiet at the table.

"What class does Dorion have next? Ata asked me to give him something" Aprit said trying to break the silence.

"English" Theo responded.

"How do you- okay then"

"What? I know all of your guys schedules! Plus I need to know what class he has to like prank him and stuff"

"Good point" Aprit chuckled.

- After classes because I am bored -

Aprit walked back to his room, phone in hand and texting someone. He opened the door and ducked. He was almost hit with a baseball bat. Holding the other side was Theo.

"Fuck I-I didn't mean to- I'm sorry I-"

"Why are You even in here?! You have detention!"

"But they were after me again!"

" one is after you I promise. Let me grab something and we can head down for dinner." Aprit said and walked to his bed. Theo stayed silent. The two walked down to the dining hall. Theo sat down and Aprit walked over to Allahditta.

"Sorry you had to clean alone Theo was doing- something"

"Well, he better be there tomorrow."

"He will be." Aprit said and walked to Theo and Katalina. Angel also walked over and sat down.

"What are you doing? Why are you not with Sammie?" Katalina asked.

"She is talking to someone currently and they don't like me"

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