Princess Treatment

Start from the beginning

"Are you okay?" I ask, concerned.

"Yep," she strains. Her fingers tighten.

I reach forward, gently taking her hand, freeing her fingers from their grip on the counter. She lets out a small gasp. I take her wrist in my long fingers, pulling away the hair tie on her wrist. I take it in my fingers, gathering her hair in my hands at the back of her neck, the tips of my fingers grazing her collarbone and throat. I hold her hair gently in one hand, pulling the hair tie in the other, tying her hair up in a loose bun, just the way I've seen her do it.

"Just so you don't mess your hair up and then cry about it," I say, satisfied with the way I did her hair. "Can you turn around?"

She waits a few seconds before she does, her eyes looking up at mine. I gulp. I notice her flushed cheeks. I pull out a few strands, letting them fall in her face, gently tucking them away so they don't get into her eyes. "That's how you do it, right?"

She nods slowly. "Yeah." I look down to her, watching the way her lips part slightly, her eyes looking up at mine, her flushed cheeks and her hair, framing her face perfectly.

"So pretty," I mumble.

"Hey, let's go bake a cake!" she says suddenly, turning away, laughing. "I love pretty cakes too," she chuckles awkwardly.

I'm making her uncomfortable. Damn it.

"Uh, I'll crack the eggs," I say, taking it from her hand, shutting my eyes slowly at the touch of her skin. "Sorry."

I hear her sigh, taking out a big bowl, pouring in the flour. We continue working in silence. She walks over to pre heat the oven. She grabs a stool, stepping atop it, tiptoeing, reaching for a cabinet at the top. I turn to her a little too late.

I watch as the stool tilts, her body halfway in midair. I rush forward, yelling her name out. My arm wraps around her waist, the other reaching for behind her knees, as she crashes down. I place my hand behind her head just before it hit the ground. My knees fall painfully against the wooden floor, her body in my lap.

"God, Yuna." My arm around her waist tightens, my hand pulling her head into my chest. She stiffens in my embrace.

Let her go. Bastard.

My grip loosens as I step away from her, getting up. I hold my hand out to her, pulling her up to her feet. She groans softly, falling onto me. "Yuna?" I hold her in my arms.

"Fuck, I think my ankle's twisted," she mutters.

"What were you even doing up there?" I ask in frustration.

"I needed coaca powder," she says, annoyed.

"God, you could've just called me instead of trying to get yourself hurt. Can you walk?"

"I'm fine, just gimme a minute," she says, pulling away from me, grimacing immediately.

"Okay, just don't move for now." I place my hands around her hips, picking her up.

"Wait-" She brings her hands up to my shoulders.

"Shush," I mutter, placing her atop the counter. "Yuna?" I look down to her hands still on my shoulders.

"Right." She pulls her hands away, and I regret saying anything immediately.

I step on the stool, reaching up for the cocoa powder. "Wait, no, be careful," she calls, trying to jump down from the counter.

"Relax, I got it," I say, stepping down. I move towards her, positioning her atop the counter properly. "I do not need you making things harder for yourself. I'll take it from here with the cake."

𝕃𝕆$𝔼ℝ =𝕃𝕆♡𝔼ℝ 《ℂ𝕙𝕠𝕚 𝔹𝕖𝕠𝕞𝕘𝕪𝕦》Where stories live. Discover now